Friday, September 26, 2014

Which Ratings Will Matter?

Many pundits believe that low presidential approval ratings are bad for the same party candidates in the midterm elections. But, is that really true? A recent article in the Wall Street Journal  questioned the validity of that belief. They suggest that past elections see that trend, but, it is not a given.

The disapproval ratings of the US Congress, however, may have an impact on the midterm election outcomes, suggests an article from . Harry Enten's June 18th article, "Congress' Low Approval Rating is Hurting Republicans", says that voters feelings about Republican control of Congress may very well affect how they vote in the midterm election. Remember that this article was written before Congress recessed for a FIVE week vacation in August, returned to work for EIGHT days, and then recessed until after the midterm election. The Sept. 8 release of Gallop poll has Congress at their lowest approval rating in history! 14% Gallop's own analysis suggested that voters will be voting Democratic this fall.

So, don't give up. Keep posting POSITIVE messages about our President and his achievements. If you need ideas of things to share, please see this:  and this:

If we Democrats who are active on social media, commit to daily sharing of positives, we may just be a decisive factor in the November election. In any case, sharing positives can't hurt. Please check out the #POTUSPositive hashtag if you are on twitter and add it to any of your tweets that relay positive information about our president. Thanks for all you do to Get Out The Vote and help Democrats.

Pat Taylor Fuller is an Editor for Progressive Democrats - Moving Forward, Not Back, and she has a blogspot named Pat's Commentary

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