Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sanity and Gun Control

Let's get this straight right now! Mentally ill does NOT equal violent and violent does NOT equal mentally ill. I'm afraid we are being led down a distracting path when we are asked to focus on keeping mentally ill people away from guns. You see, guns are the real issue and they don't want us to focus on that. They want to muddy the waters and throw up all types of excuses so that we miss what they are really doing. They are selling guns! They are racking in huge profits and exploiting peoples' fears to do it.

Don't fall into their trap of hopelessness! There are many things we can do and must do to curtail the power of the gun lobby in America. First, we can identify which legislators that are owned by the gun lobby.  See:  Then, we can do our best to work to see they are defeated for re-election. Next, we can support legislators who have the courage to stand up to the gun lobby and vote for sane gun control measures.

After Sandy Hook, our president laid out a detailed plan to address gun violence in America. He wasn't trying to destroy the 2nd amendment as some have said. Please look at the details of his proposal. Go here: Then make a promise to yourself that you will take one action everyday until Congress acts.

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