Friday, October 31, 2014

What's Scarier than Halloween?

What's scarier than Halloween? For me it's the amount of stupidity in our country. A recent Daily Kos diary was titled, "You Can't Quarantine Stupidity!"  It referred to #Ebola and unconstitutional health policy. The diary detailed all the incredibly stupid moves authorities have made in dealing with and politicizing the issue.

But, this level of stupid abounds in most every area of public discourse. If you read the comment sections on any popular news article, your head will explode from the ignorance that people will publish. On Facebook, everyday I see mostly right wing dummies posting lies and conspiracy theories that one would think most people could easily dispute. Yet, it seems they share them and never bother to check the validity.

When a Freewood Press or New Yorker satire article is posted, just watch everyone jump in with their two cents of outrage! Whatever happened to critical thinking? Does anyone ever question what they read or do most just accept it because it's printed so it must be true?

That is what I find scarier than anything else. And it's because stupid people can be easily manipulated into mobs of hate. We must fight the stupid and do our best to abolish it. Call out the dummies. Give them facts and then move on. You know the saying, "You can't fix Stupid!" Well, I think we have to try. We owe it to our country and to future generations.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sarcastic Reasons for Not Voting

My favorite comedian, John Fugelsang, recently posted a series of tweets that started with "I'm not voting next week because......". They were hilarious and showed how great sarcasm can be used to make a point.
If you are on Twitter, you can go to @JohnFugelsang to read them or you can also check out this article:

I previously posted a commentary on lame reasons for not voting.  You can read it here:

One site mentioned in the previous post is  I still believe that there is no good reason for not voting. So, just do it. Okay?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

It's the Economy, Really?

It's the economy, they say, that most Americans are concerned about. Really? If that is true, then look at these statistics for a minute:
 February 2009 unemployment 8.3% -September 2014 6.1%.
 GDP growth 2/09 -5.4% now 4.6%.
DOW 2/09 was $7365 in September $17,000
Consumer confidence 2/09 25 and in September 94.6

The government in July posted its first four month budget SURPLUS in years.

The number of uninsured people is down by 25% according to this NYTimes article:

Our President, with very little help from Congress has accomplished so much for this country. If you followed any of the tweets on the #YesWeDid hashtag, you know that we are in far better shape as a country than we were in February of 2009.

Something that happened in January of 2010 is what I believe is driving the direction of this midterm campaign. Have you guessed where I am going with this? On January 21, 2010 the Citizens United case was decided by our Supreme Court. Since that time, Super PAC'S have been set up and we are seeing extraordinary amounts of money being thrown into politics. This is skewing the information being given to the general population and people are being deliberately deceived into voting against their own values and best interests.

Democrats in our Senate tried to overturn Citizens United. Remember, September 2014? All Democrats and two Independents voted for the bill and all REPUBLICANS voted against it. So when you vote next Tuesday, remember which party is the one trying to make our country better. #VoteBlue

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Other Dangerous Epidemics

I believe we are facing far more dangerous epidemics here in America than the one that's making all the news lately. This cartoon says it all:

Climate Denial Fever
Severe Acute Inequality Syndrome
Online Misogynitis
Right-wing Brain Rot

Fortunately, there is an easily available cure for all these ailments. Vote for Democrats. You have the power to wipe out these epidemics and save our country. #VoteBlue2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Ebola Quarantine

Well, the GOP didn't get their way about a travel ban so now we have a few states (my own included) imposing a quarantine on all healthcare workers returning from West Africa. This quarantine is being imposed on people with NO SYMPTOMS. Where are the civil libertarians? Let's call this quarantine what it is: managing fear, not disease!

Many disease experts are saying this only give the illusion of safety and may indeed make the situation worse! There are many good reasons why this quarantine is a bad idea. You can read some of them here:

Why are people freaking out? Now the Federal government is stepping in to ask these states to look at how they are implementing this quarantine.

The media have repeatedly told viewers that Ebola is NOT an air-born disease. Yet, some media outlets continue to suggest that "the government" cannot be trusted to tell the truth. The right media is full of crazy conspiracy theories. Politicians on the right are using this Ebola fear and mistrust of our government to mobilize their base to get out and vote.

The reality is that just four cases have been reported. More people than that die everyday from car accidents. Yet, we don't hear the media freaking out over that. They aren't forcing people to keep their cars shut up in the garage. While the media try to inform the population, some are using media to create and manipulate. Shari Ravadsky of the Indiana Star wrote an excellent piece this past week on why we have such fear.  You can read it here:

Please, in this last week before the mid term election and all the way to November 2016, beware the propaganda machine. Question everything. Check sources. Be very careful when you pass on information on social media so you don't contribute to the confusion and misinformation. Read my previous post on fear mongering here:  Also, here's my post on how to avoid the propaganda machine and be a savvy consumer of information:

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

How would you like to help start up a new company that bases its business plan on a renewable/sustainable philosophy? Urban Forage Winery and Cider House is a family business that is using Kickstarter to get funds to purchase the needed equipment to start a company in Minneapolis, MN. They plan to work with local grocery stores to reduce waste by using imperfect fruit that doesn't sell.

They need juicers, fermenting equipment, and other supplies to get their business up and running by next fall. This year Jeff and Gita Zeitler entered three of their wines in the state fair and all three won ribbons.

Check out for more information. Please consider a donation to help get this business going. They are on Twitter @UrbanForageWine    

And here is the link to their KickStarter page:

A Parent's Worst Nightmare

Another school shooting, a parent's worst nightmare has happened again. This time in Marysville, WA. This epidemic is much farther reaching here in America than the ebola outbreak. Everyone wants to do something about Ebola, but, have you heard anything from any politician about gun safety/gun laws? Hell no! Gun rights maybe, protect the 2nd amendment. Yes, every politician is big on that one.

I think Liberals want to protect gun rights while at the same time promote gun safety laws. In New York, for example, they have the NYSAFE Act. (Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act). According to Governor Cuomo,"The SAFE Act stops criminals and the dangerously mentally ill from buying a gun by requiring universal background checks on gun purchases, increases penalties for people who use illegal guns, mandates life in prison without parole for anyone who murders a first responder, and imposes the toughest assault weapons ban in the country. For hunters, sportsmen, and law abiding gun owners, this new law preserves and protects your right to buy, sell, keep or use your guns."   

There is a website that New York citizens and others can access that explains the reach and intent of this law.

This law may be a way to help keep communities safe while still protecting hunters and sportsmen. If you get a chance, ask your favorite politician about gun safety reform.

Friday, October 24, 2014

This Really Happened

What if your company owned a newspaper? What if you sold it and it promised not to do any political endorsements? What if you decided to run for governor and the paper published an article about you bullying an employee? What if you threw a fit? and What if that paper then endorsed you in your run for governor?

Well, it all happened the other day here in Illinois.

In the fallout from this tawdry mess is the sad resignation of a great journalist. Dave McKinney had been with the paper for two decades. He'd followed all the rules of journalism with integrity. He tells why he chose to leave here:

And the worse thing of all is that Bruce Rauner may still win! According to another Chicago pager, the governor's race is in a dead heat.

This is unfortunate, but indicative of the influence that money has on elections. I know Pat Quinn. When he was Lieutenant Governor, he came to my town and presented an award for work done to prevent a coal mine from strip mining land between our village and a state wildlife park. He is a decent man who cares about the people of Illinois. I can only hope that other Democrats will do like I've already done and vote for Pat Quinn.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Women's Issues Then and Now

Over 100 years ago Emma Goldman wrote an essay about issues of her day that deeply effected women. Her essay was entitled, "The Tragedy of Women's Emancipation." It was written in 1911. The Atlantic published it again this year on July 12. She highlighted four issues that she thought were major issues. It's really not funny how these same issues resound with women today. The issues were:  equal pay, tension between family life and work, work place bias against fair treatment of women, and the double work load that women bear who work outside the home. Here is a link to an article that highlights her major points: 

Today and everyday, we Democrats are trying to #RallyWomen to get to the voting booth. We know which party is seeking equal pay for equal work. We know which party seeks to expand women's healthcare choices. We know which party doesn't trivialize RAPE. We know which party favors the Violence Against Women Act. These and other issues are important to women of all ages. So if you are a woman or know a woman, please vote for Democrats.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Voter ID

Monday evening UniteBlue did a twitterbomb called #StopTheGOP. The topic of voter ID came up in responses that I got from many folks on the right. They just don't see what our problem is with these voter ID laws that ALEC and KOCH are trying to get state legislatures to implement. I heard several times that we have to present ID to buy booze or cash checks. What's the problem? Doesn't everyone have an ID? They told me many poor countries require ID to vote. They even said it was racist for me to suggest that some folks might have a problem getting the required ID. Wow! I can't believe the ignorance of what they said!

So what exactly is the problem with voter ID laws? Well, first they present solutions for non-existent problems. They suggest there is rampant voter fraud and these laws are a needed fix. The right repeats this message until all their followers believe it. But, nothing can be further from the truth. In fact, in just two documented cases it was Republicans that were committing the fraud! See this for details:

The Supreme Court of the United States issued a ruling over the past weekend that allowed the Texas voter ID law to remain in effect for the November election. If anything, this law is racist as it may prevent up to 600,000 voters from being able to vote. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote the dissent and listed 12 reasons why this is a bad law. She went so far as to call it a poll tax. You can read about it here:

Just remember this simple thought:  If the only way you can win is to keep people from voting, then your party is dying. I have voted for over 40 years and I've never had to present an ID. I only had to show identification when I registered. Please vote for Democrats who want to protect and preserve the right to vote for all citizens.  You know the right to vote isn't written in stone anywhere and can easily be abridged by those in power.  Ask yourself which party will protect your right to vote.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Student Loan Debt Disaster

Either you have student loan debt or you know someone who does. Middle class Americans cannot pay out of pocket for college tuition. Working class families have to rely on grants and student loans to help their children get a higher education.

Did you know the Federal government will make $127 Billion in PROFIT from student loan debt in the next 10 years? That figure is from the Congressional Budget office and reported in a recent article. The article titled, "Give Student Loans the Finger", by Kyle Schmidlin pointed out the unfairness of the system that purports to be helping people get an education, but ends up saddling them with debt for decades.

Democrats want to do something about the problem. See the platform for details: If we have Democrats in charge, we may see some relief for middle class and working class families.

Just this summer there was an effort to try to fix some of the problems with student loan debt. Elizabeth Warren had a plan that would allow borrowers to refinance their current loans to a lower rate. You can read more about Warren's plan here:

The GOP killed this plan with 56-38 vote. So even though the majority favored the bill, the GOP filibuster kept it from going forward to an up or down vote. This is even more reason to work to get Democrats to the polls on November 4th. Two weeks is all we have. If Democrats vote, we can turn this around.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Great Question, Hard Answer

A diarist on Daily Kos asked the question:  What Made Americans So Fearful and Stupid as They Are Today? Going by the name, Anakai, the diarist points out all the wonderful and awesome achievements that have been accomplished by American ingenuity.

 Then, he says, "We used to be fearless, aggressive and strong in the pursuit of progress. We used to at least PRETEND to care about one another, even if it might have been out of convenience."

Anakai continues, "today, while Americans kill themselves by the tens of thousands from drunk driving and tobacco, the majority in government prefers a "laissez-faire" approach to the carnage; and yet one American dies from Ebola in a Texas hospital and the nation almost literally shutters it's windows, locks it's doors and trembles in a fetal position in the corner of a darkened room."

What has happened to us that we elect politicians who play to our basest fears and prejudices? I've wondered the same thing myself. We live in an information age. We can search the internet for answers. We don't have to take a politician's word as truth. Why choose ignorance and fear? 

Have you ever asked the question, "How could (you fill in the blank)  have been elected? I will tell you my opinion. That fool was elected because someone bothered to vote. Pretty simple. If we want to do something about it, then getting out the vote for November and every election is the only answer. Have you voted yet? Will you vote? What have you done to encourage others to vote? Change begins with you!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Shaking My Head (SMH)

In social media talk, SMH means shaking my head. That's exactly what I've been doing all week. I am astounded that our message of getting out the Democratic vote is getting buried by the hysteria surrounding #Ebola, travel bans, and now today the #Ebola czar. What about the economy? That's what all the pundits said was on everybody's mind.

Yesterday, we learned that applications for unemployment insurance was at a 14 YEAR LOW! The unemployment rate is at a 6 year low at 5.9%. In the last year alone, without any help from the GOP, the economy has added 2.6 MILLION jobs. In August the number of available jobs rose to a 13 year HIGH.

But, the media is running with the #Ebola story 24/7 and drowning out any positive news about the economy. We know that our media is helping the GOP in their efforts to take over the Senate. But, we have TWO WEEKS to do something. Many of us have already voted. We can now do our part to encourage other Democrats to vote. has convenient phone banks that anyone can access from their own homes to make calls to Democrats. Last week, I wrote about the effort here:

If you don't like to make phone calls, then do something else. Call local Democrats office and volunteer. We don't all want to be SHAKING OUR HEADS on November 5th do we?

Friday, October 17, 2014

Will a travel ban help?

At the #EbolaHearing on Thursday, virtually every GOP representative brought up imposing travel restrictions on people coming from West Africa or going to that area. Dr. Friedman patiently explained the reasoning on why this is not a good idea. Yet, the next GOP up would revisit the question.

Some polls suggest that 2/3 of the public would support such a ban. While this might seem at first like a good idea, there are several reasons why it is a bad idea.

1. It will prevent health officials from being able to effectively track people with symptoms.

2. It will only delay the inevitable spread of Ebola while the outbreak continues in West African countries.

3. It will become a logistical nightmare.

4. It could destabilize the countries at the heart of the outbreak.

So, while a travel ban would give Americans a false sense of security, it could lead to even more problems.
Let's not give in to media induced panic. Let's give the authorities time to do their assessments. Most of all, let's not allow media to whip us into a frenzy. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Every Vote Matters

I have been hammering this message for months now. Why do local votes matter just as much as Presidential votes? Think about it for a minute. You are more likely to know local candidates. They make decisions that affect your daily life. The school board sets the direction of your community's school. The city council makes decisions and distributes your tax dollars.

Just last night in my community there was a hearing about a proposed $500,000 sewer project. This was an opportunity for citizens to ask questions and give their input. The meeting was advertised as required by law. Want to guess how many attended? Sadly, I report that no one came. Not ONE PERSON other than the village board attended! Apathy! Wait until their sewer bills go up 50%. Then, maybe, they'll come yell at the board who had to make a big decision with NO citizen input.

Apathy leads to atrophy, which leads to anarchy. If citizens don't care enough to show up to public meetings or to vote, then they are giving away their rights to whoever does show up.  Please show up. Before it's too late. Attend public meetings, go meet the candidates, ask questions, and VOTE.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Speaking Truth to Progressives

My twitter friend Milt Shook is at it again with another great blog post. It really is a must read if you are a liberal and want to see the Tea Party types ousted from our government. Milt asks us to take a deep look at what some on the left have done with their anger and outrage. He lays the blame squarely where it belongs. Not with the Tea Party or the Blue Dogs, but, with the folks on the far left who let their outrage get the best of their reason. You can read it here:

It's happening now. Right at the minute, folks are upset because Alison Grimes won't say she voted for Obama. They are upset because Wendy Davis used a wheelchair in her ad to point out the hypocrisy of Greg Abbott. They are upset and outraged and this is NOT HELPING!  Some times the truth hurts and sometimes who one voted for is not the main issue.

What is the main issue? WINNING! DEMOCRATS WINNING! Please try to keep that in focus as we enter these last few weeks till Election Day.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Obama Derangement Syndrome

Do you know anyone who suffers from Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS) ? Many of us on the left have friends and family who have bad cases of ODS. ODS is an advanced case of paranoia related to anything to do with President Obama. Those suffering from ODS accuse him of just about anything terrible that is happening in the world today. A few prime examples can be seen here:

There is a cure for ODS. It's call reason. We must help our friends learn to use their brains to root out the innate racist messages implanted their. We must help them learn critical thinking skills so they can recognize the code words and dog whistles that right wing media use to keep their ODS inflamed. One blog writer gives ODS sufferers hope by suggesting ways to discuss the condition with their doctors.

But, seriously, we know where ODS comes from. Folks on the right just don't care much that a Black man is in charge. Confront it and call it out. We may just be able to eradicate its nastiness in the name of fairness and justice.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Playing the Race Card

Is it really "playing the race card" to point out unfair treatment as it happens to a person of color? I don't often find myself agreeing with Geraldo Rivera, but he told his true belief recently to Eric Bolling of Fox News and was accused of playing the race card. All he said was that he felt the Ebola victim, Thomas Eric Duncan might not have been turned away from the hospital the first time if he'd been a white man with insurance.

This is what happens whenever anyone tries to discuss the role that skin color plays in the way people are treated in our society. Racism isn't just an American problem and there are groups springing up all over the world specifically to address the problem. Here's one from the UK:

And here's one for America:
This is from their home page:  "We need to face racism head-on in order to have healthy communities and a strong country. Racism and gaps among racial and ethnic groups affect education, housing, health care, the justice system and job opportunities. If we're going to make progress in our communities and in our country, people from all backgrounds and views must work together to address racism and inequities." This group is promoting a dialogue to change program. 

I believe we need to have conversations all over America where people can openly dialogue about the topic of racism.  We can all examine what we've been taught and what we chose to retain or eliminate from our belief system. There are many encouraging stories on this site at this link: 

People can change, communities can change, and most of all our society can change. We can stop racism if we will! Will you help?

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Blame Game

You all know the blame game, right? You play it when you don't want to take responsibility. You look around for excuses and someone you can blame. Republicans accuse Democrats of this and vice versa. Progressives get mad at the President because he doesn't fulfill all his campaign promises. Rather than accept what they know to be truth, they lay the blame at his feet as if he has a magic wand and can make it all happen. If you are an American citizen, you should know that the president signs legislation that he supports and thinks is good for the country. You also know that Congress has to pass it first. Yet, its easy to blame him when you don't get things done, forgetting that it is Congress that must act. The President proposes legislation, the Congress passes it, the President signs the ones he agrees with and vetoes the others.

When Americans gave the majority to Republicans in the House and elected enough Republicans to the Senate that over-riding a filibuster was almost impossible, they set up the current situation. And Americans are paying a heavy price for it. NOTHING is getting done and many are blaming the President.

One of my twitter friends, Milt Shook, wrote a blog post back in March. He explained the need for Americans to vote for Democrats in November. He told of how LBJ was able to get so much legislation passed by having a super majority in both houses of Congress. What will America do? Are you content with the status quo? Will you give up as the GOP and pundits want and just not vote at all? Each and every one of us can minimally vote this year for Democrats. And we can encourage others as well. If you need a little boost to get you going, please check out Milt's post here:

Friday, October 10, 2014

Are You a Democrat Running for Office or Interested in Running?

Today, I want to highlight an amazing resource for Democratic candidates. If you are currently running for any office, National, State, or local, AND you are a Democrat, this information if for you. Also, if you are a Democrat who is thinking about possibly running for office in the future, please check out Bold Blue Media!
Here is a link to their website: Please check out what they are offering to Democratic candidates. There is a short video clip at the link that details their services. In addition, if you are a current candidate, please click on the Victory Campaign Brochure. You can get a free consultation and help in streamlining your campaign to WIN!

By far the most exciting product Bold Blue Media offers is their secure, Virtual Call Bank Platform. Using this tool, small campaigns with limited funds and volunteers can expand their ability to reach out to their voters. If you are interested in learning more about the Virtual Call Bank Platform, here is a link to a video that explains how it works:

The project is partially funded by subscribers to Bold Blue Magazine. You can get a free back issue by clicking here: I clicked and got my free issue. Why don't you you? And why not share this with others who may be Democratic candidates or know someone who is thinking of running.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

IL Ballot Initiative to Preserve the Right to Vote

I just love it that my home state, Illinois, is doing something proactive about voter suppression. The legislature passed a ballot initiative to amend the state constitution. All state senators favored it and all but five Republican legislators voted for it. Now, we hope 3/5th of the voters support it. Here is how it reads:

"No person shall be denied the right to register to vote or to cast a ballot in an election based on race, color, ethnicity, status as a member of a language minority, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or income.

If this measure is approved by the state's voters, perhaps other states will also amend their constitutions so that they explicitly affirm the right of ALL citizens to register and vote.  Please see this article for more details.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Let's Party

Everybody loves a party, right? Well, why not party with

Now, you can host or join a Voters In, Money Out call party. They are reaching out to progressive voters to encourage them to vote and to donate time to making calls and going door-to-door for progressive candidates. Once you sign up, the site has a great tutorial that explains clearly how the process works. Then, you can either host or join a party in your area. Just click here and sign up:

If you'd prefer to make the contacts from your own home, they also have that option. Wouldn't it be great if everyone who reads this message would volunteer for at least ONE call shift? What a difference that might make!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Ever Wonder?

Ever wonder what the other side is saying about Democrats? I recently checked out the #UniteRed hashtag on twitter. They are saying that socialists took over in 2012 because Republicans stayed home and didn't vote! Check out for more of their message. Here are a few tweets from the hashtag.

"Remember 2012 elections all didn't vote consequence: we got the SOCIALIST party"

We have our message and they have theirs. It remains to be seen which party can get out their voting base for this midterm election. Please don't let a few differences on some issues keep you from voting for Democrats. Recent polling suggests that it is likely that Republicans will take over control of the Senate. Try to imagine that for a second. Will they be popping the Champagne corks? If don't want to find out, do you?

One pundit suggests that a GOP control of the Senate might just backfire on them. See:

But, let's make sure it doesn't happen. It looks like just a few Senate races could decide who's in control and just a few votes either way will decide those races. This election will show us just how much #VotingMatters So vote for Democrats and you won't be sorry.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Your Right to Vote

Did you know that the U. S. Constitution did NOT originally define who had the right to vote? It deferred that decision to each state. As you can imagine, this created much confusion. Many states only allowed Caucasian male property owners the franchise. Some allowed Caucasian males with taxable income to vote. New Jersey even allowed women to vote if they met the property requirement. In some places freed slaves and non-white Americans were allowed to vote, again if they met the property requirement. Many states and local jurisdictions started requiring poll taxes be paid to vote and literacy tests passed. By the time of the Civil War, most white males were allowed to vote regardless if they owned property. By not clearly defining the right to vote, the framers of the Constitution created chaos. Many citizens were kept from voting because they were deemed to be "undesirable". Now, if any of this is beginning to sound like what is again happening in our country, you might want to start paying attention.

These rights have been challenged before and we have several Amendments that guarantee citizens' rights to vote. In 1965, our Congress also passed the Voting Rights Act. See this link for brief timeline of voting rights up to 2014: As you can see, citizens are again having to face efforts by some in power to keep others from be able to vote.

Please don't take your right to vote for granted. Learn if you can vote this year by clicking this link:  Then, please check this link to learn all you can about voting and access resources to help you exercise your rights.

You know the old saying, "If you don't use it, you'll lose it." Well, that just might come true in regard to your voting rights. I would also encourage you to vote for Democrats because they are trying to protect citizens' right to vote.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Fear Mongering

I have had it with the out right fear mongering over ISIS and Ebola. What exactly is fear mongering?

  1. Fear mongering (or scaremongering or scare tactics) is the use of fear to influence the opinions and actions of others towards some specific end.

One of my favorite "entertainer" fake news persons is Jon Stewart. Thursday night on The Daily Show, Jon blasted the GOP over their hypocritical fear mongering. Please view the clip here if you haven't yet seen it: 

The GOP are demanding that President Obama do everything possible to strengthen our borders and protect us from ISIS and Ebola!!!! Yet, they are forgetting that 88 Americans die everyday from GUNS!!!! What about all the people dying from heart disease and lung cancer and drunk drivers? Oh, no!! We have to worry about ISIS and Ebola! It's pretty obvious to me that the GOP and their right wing media outlets are shamelessly using this to scare their base and get out the GOP vote. They even tell their people that the government cannot be trusted to give them the facts. So we can't send them to: 

They won't accept it. But we can educate ourselves and refuse to be manipulated by the media. They live and die by ratings; so, of course, they are going to sensationalize issues. It is up to us to be intelligent consumers of information. You know, it is possible, no likely, that the GOP would much rather voters talk about ISIS and Ebola than about the economy! Well, here are a few links that may help: (we need to revitalize and grow a public-sector health research and production capacity which is not beholden to the profit margins of the big pharma companies)

In case you missed it, back in July I posted a blog about how GOP would use propaganda machine to influence voters before the election.  See:

Just please be careful what you give credence to and pass on to others on social media. We don't want to assist the GOP in their efforts to scare the Hell out of people!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Obama on the Economy

President Obama spoke Thursday at Northwestern University in Chicago. He told those young people that they are the ones who will shape the future. He also told how America is the one constant in an uncertain world. The world looks to USA for help and for answers. We are leaders and we welcome that attention.
Now, what is good about our economy. When President Obama took office businesses were laying off 800,000 workers a month. Now, businesses are hiring 200,000 workers a month. Unemployment was 10% in 2009 and now it is 6.1%. Our country has put more people back to work than Europe, Japan and every other advanced country combined.  President Obama has increased investments in clean energy. This has helped us reduce carbon emissions. The president also told that more than half the companies that outsourced jobs are looking to bring them back to our shores.

What still needs to happen? President Obama said that it is still too hard for working families to get ahead. Now, we need to reverse the erosion of middle class and their jobs. The measure of success is more that GDP. We can increase job growth with help of Congress. We can help Americans succeed with the help of Congress. The current situation favors the few at the expense of the middle class. President Obama said that regulations that save lives and protect families are good for the economy. He mentioned a survey that said for the first time in more than a decade, business leaders cite US as most attractive place in which to invest. So, let's rebuild roads and bridges. We can pay for it with tax reform. There are so many things that we can do if we have the vision and the will to do it. Let's pass an immigration bill, he said. The White House shared a graphic that highlights his speech:

He went on to say we should raise the minimum wage and ensure equal pay for women. None of the policies proposed alone will achieve the desired effect alone. President Obama said he is always willing to work with others to get things done. If gridlock prevails, then he will keep doing what he can alone.

Why don't we fix this by giving him a Congress that he can work with? That makes the most sense to me.

Pat Taylor Fuller is an Editor for Progressive Democrats - Moving Forward, Not Back, and she has a blogspot named Pat's Commentary


Thursday, October 2, 2014

History of the Secret Service

Did you know that the Secret Service (SS) has TWO missions? I learned today that it does. The first is criminal investigations and the other is protection. That is what I learned reading the Congressional Research Service's report dated June 18, 2014.  It was written by Shawn Reese, Analyst in Emergency Management and Homeland Security Policy and is prepared for members of congress and committees.

Did you know that in 2003 it was transferred from the Department of US Treasury to the Department of Homeland Security(DHS)? Before that SS had been with Treasury for over 100 years. Do you think the two missions are compatible and how would you prioritize them? Do you think the DHS is the appropriate place for the Secret Service? This report was submitted before the recent revelations regarding SS mistakes and missteps that finally led to the resignation of the SS director, Julia Pierson, the first woman to lead that agency.

There are many reports in the media concerning the number of death threats against our President and how much of an increase it is since Barack Obama took office. One article from United Kingdom asserted that he received over 30 a day and the SS had to investigate them. And that article was from 2009!  Other articles dispute that claim.  This one from CBS news is also from 2009:

I have not found a current article with actual data. But, what I do know is that something needs to change in our Secret Service. The White House should be protected from uninvited guests, whether it's people crashing a party or a fence jumper trying to force his way into the building. The building should also be protected from a gunman with a long-range rifle! Come on! Something needs to change and soon. We need to have confidence that everything is being done to review policies and procedures and fix this problem!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I Love Obamacare

I love Obamacare. How about you? My granddaughter has epilepsy and cannot be denied coverage. My husband has had a kidney transplant and medications that would cost thousands of dollars a month are covered and we cannot be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions. I love it that millions of people who once could not afford healthcare or who were turned down for coverage now have healthcare coverage. Yet, many right wing "news" sources continue to tell their viewers outright lies about Ocare. And amazingly, the people believe the lies.

This article in Daily Kos by Joan McCarter tells ways that Obamacare is working.

More people have coverage; that coverage is more affordable. Total healthcare costs are rising at the lowest rate in history. People's physical and mental health are improving.  Ocare is helping to reduce the deficit. What's not to like about that? Yet the right wing continues to tell people about death panels and other nonsense to scare and confuse them.  Please help spread the word that Obamacare is working and encourage Medicaid expansion in states that have not done so yet. Peoples' lives depend on access to affordable healthcare coverage.