Thursday, December 31, 2015

Year's End Thoughts

As I sit here reviewing this year, I'm thinking of all the things that happened which no one anticipated! For example, last year at this time would you have believed that Donald Trump would be the leading candidate of the Republican Party? Would you have believed that Iran would willingly hand over its enriched uranium stockpile to another country? Would you have believed that Bill Cosby would finally face criminal charges for all the times he's "allegedly" drugged and sexually assaulted 50+ women? Would you have believed that Bruce Jenner would become a woman? These are just a few of the many news items that none of us could have predicted!

This makes me wonder about 2016. What stories will we discussing this time next year? Do you have any predictions to make?

I, for one, don't want to know. I'm thankful I don't have a crystal ball. Let's just sit back and watch it all unfold.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Out of Hiding

In 2008, the haters crawled out from under their rocks (Hoods, in some cases) and started the march to where we are today. When Barack Obama was elected the first Black person to ever hold the office of president, the haters began their campaign. Actually, they started during his candidacy to question everything about him, from his birth to his faith and sexuality. They have been relentless in challenging anything he's tried to do, even many ideas they originally promoted.

Now we arrive on the brink of 2016 and what do we have? The hater-in-chief, Donald Trump, is the leading candidate of the Republican Party.  The decent members of his party are silent while this hater loudly, Andy  proudly insults everyone they've secretly hated all these years. His supporters say he just "Tells it like it is." Well, I have news for them. That may be how it is in the haters' corner of the Republican party; but, that's not how it is for the rest of us. We don't thrive on fear and hatred.

The Democratic party is a big tent party. We look to address the concerns of ALL Americans. Yes, we care about rich White people. But, we also care about every segment of our society. We believe that a rising tide lifts all ships. We want policy that makes life better for everyone. We also believe that LOVE TRUMPS HATE. The haters are going to lose. They can't survive on a diet of hate and fear.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Putting a Face to the Uninsured

Our heartless Republican party does not care about the multitude of uninsured in America. We know that because they are relentless in their quest to do away with Obamacare. Many Republican governors refuse to expand Medicaid so that many of their neediest citizens are unable to get healthcare coverage. Many have to do without healthcare at a time when they need it most. Here is a story about one family.

Amy Rodriguez is a mother who knows how this refusal to expand Medicaid affects so many. Her daughter, Genesis, has a lung disorder called Middle Lobe Syndrome. When Gen was 17 surgeons removed half of her lung. She needs daily medication such as Pulmozyme and Albuterol to ward off fluid build up in her lungs and treat her asthma. These medications cost nearly $4,000.00 per month!

Just before her 20th birthday, this young woman entered the Medicaid gap. The state of Florida declared her independent and made her no longer eligible to receive benefits under their Medicaid system. Her mother does not make enough money to purchase Affordable Care Act insurance without subsidies and Florida refuses to expand Medicaid.

Genesis is one of over 800,000 Floridians and 4,000,000 Americans who fall into this gap. These individuals are forced to go without needed prescriptions and medical care.

How can one political party be so heartless? You can read this article from the Washington Post about Genesis for yourself. Then, decide what you will do about it. You have options. You can move on and forget it. Or you can act! Contact your representatives in Congress. Write letters to the editor. Get involved in social media to increase awareness of how Republican refusal to expand Medicaid is impacting the lives of so many Americans. You can also tweet this post to @Montel_Williams and ask him to help. If each of us does something, perhaps we can sway a few governors and legislatures into action. Please consider what you can do and then ACT!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Bullies, Victims, and Bystanders

We are either a bully, a victim, or a bystander. Frequently, we've held all three roles. Hopefully, most of us have turned away from bullying others. I used to teach elementary students about these three roles. I taught them ways to handle bullies as there is often no one right way. But, the most important lessons were always about bystanders. You see, bystanders have enormous power to make a real difference in a bullying situation.

Donald Trump is a classic bully. His followers support him in this by saying he just, "tells it like it is." They are the type of bystanders who go along with the bully for various reasons. Some do it out of fear. These are the other GOP candidates who fear angering the bully into running a third party candidacy. Others go along with the bully because they believe in him and support his meanness. These are the people at his rallies who echo what he says.

Trump's victims are myriad. They range from Mexicans to Syrian refugees to Muslims. Everyday, he pronounces a new set of victims for his followers to hate and fear.

What can we bystanders who do not support his hate do when we hear or see his type of bullying in action? We have choices. We can say and do nothing. Many do that out of fear of becoming the next victim. We can support the victim in various ways. But, most importantly, we can speak up. We can call out the bully, name the behavior, offer aid to the victim, and inform the authorities if necessary!

Ask yourself what you would want the bystanders to do if someone were bullying you? Treat others the way you'd want to be treated. Pretty simple, isn't it?

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Donald Trump and American Values

Many say that Donald Trump's proposals regarding Muslims go against American Values. But, what exactly are American values? In 2012 The Pew Research Center attempted to find out. They did a survey of Americans to try to discover which values Americans held dear to their hearts. What they found should not surprise anyone who's been paying attention to the political landscape recently.

From their introduction to the survey, "The 2012 Pew Research Center Values Survey finds that Americans’ values and basic beliefs are more polarized along partisan lines than at any point in the past 25 years. Party has now become the single largest fissure in American society, with the values gap between Republicans and Democrats greater than gender, age, race or class divides."

If you were asked today to list what you believe are core American values, do you think your list would be the same as your best friend, your partner, your parents, your neighbor, your representatives in Congress, or your President? What values do you think Donald Trump violates by his various pronouncements regarding "others"? His followers seem to hold those same values. They say he represents their views just fine!

Remember the ideals, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? How about fairness, honesty, equality, individualism, respect, responsibility, trustworthiness? Are those values that we can support and desire for ourselves and others? Let's not forget Democracy. 

If you consider the Pew Study, you will realize that Democrats and Republicans have different values. There really is no one set of values that everyone agrees represents all Americans. Each party has a platform that you can read where they set forth objectives that reflect the values dear to each party.

Here is the GOP platform:  

And here is the Democratic platform:

Then, read how Donald Trump is trumping the values that both parties hold dear:

I think it is time for everyone to speak out about Donald Trump. If he represents your values. then say so, loud and clear for all to hear. And vice versa, if he violates your values, then say so loud and clear for all to hear. There is no middle ground.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics

Many political pundits seem to rely on the general public's lack of knowledge of statistics and polling practices to spread their message. Consumers of data need to become savvy in learning how to understand statistics and polling data so that we can't be duped by their propaganda. The phrase, "Question everything!" should apply everyday as we try to make sense of the information being fed to us.

I previously published a blog post on what the consumer needs to know about polling. Good media sources should know how to analyze and present polling data. But, far too often they don't do their job. You can access this piece here:  There is a National Council on Public Polls (NCPP) and they offer advice for consumers of polling data. I would encourage the reader to visit their website and learn how to question the information that we are being given.

If you spend any time on the Internet, you know that it can be a great source for information and for misinformation. How does one determine the reliability of sources and information? Do you question an item or blindly pass it on because it agrees with your position? Do you desire to learn how to be a good consumer of information? If so, then I encourage you to read this article:

It is from the website:  which is "often the first source that librarians recommend when researchers are seeking original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news." From the about section:  "Founded in 1923 as Editorial Research Reports, CQ Researcher is noted for its in-depth, unbiased coverage of health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs, education, the environment, technology and the economy. Reports are published in print and online 44 times a year by CQ Press, an imprint of SAGE Publications."

This is a great resource for accurate, opinion free, information on a variety of topics. Hope this helps you on your quest to be a good consumer of information.