Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Pigeonholing People

Political pundits get into trouble when they insist on pigeonholing voters. Yet, they persist in trying to lump people together. Here’s an example: An over 70 rural white voter, according to the pundits, most likely is conservative, feels threatened by people of color and immigrants, feels “economic anxiety” and is most likely a Trump supporter. Isn’t that how many in that demographic are characterized? Yet, I and many of my friends are over 70 rural white voters and we voted for Hillary Clinton.

Another example: A 40 year old, white, non-college educated male factory worker. Again, the pundits pigeonhole this person as most likely threatened by immigrants coming to take their jobs and most likely a Trump supporter. But, is it true? I know several men who fit this category and they are avid Bernie Sanders supporters.

The point is that political pundits err when they insist on trying to find simplistic explanations for complex issues like why certain candidates are popular. For a more nuanced explanation than I can give, see

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