Tuesday, May 27, 2014


My husband and I have pensions we earned. He worked for Caterpillar and I worked in the public school system. We both earned enough credits to receive Social Security and we both are on Medicare. Now this Republican Manifesto has some interesting things to say about taxes, Social Security, and Medicare. In the summary article called, "Tax reform to strengthen the middle class" Robert Stein acknowledges the GOP's historic fascination with cutting the marginal tax rates. Yet he argues for a different focus and states this crazy statement, "Because Social Security and Medicare disincentivize raising children, conservatives should offer tax cuts to reduce the cost of raising children, making it easier for parents (and potential parents) to pursue the family size they would desire in the absence of federal interference." 

I don't know about you, but, I was NOT aware that Social Security and Medicare disincentivize the raising of children, were you? (We have seven.)

Regarding marginal tax cuts, Stein also asserts, "Such a cut would do relatively little to improve work incentives, not least because two-thirds of the tax relief would go to households who earn only some of their income in the 15 percent bracket on their way to higher brackets." Again, I don't know about you, but, I would not object to a middle-class tax cut, would you?

Stein thinks the Federal government punishes middle-income families. Well, yes maybe if they raised the rates the wealthy paid, there would be some relief available for the middle-income folks. 

So you see folks, here is another significant way the GOP differ from the Democrats. Please plan to vote on November 4, 2014 and vote for Democrats. Thank you. To read more of their tax fantasy go here: http://ygnetwork.org/tax-reform-strengthen-economy-lighten-burdens-families-bear/

Now the Democrats have a tax plan too

Middle Class Tax Cuts. President Obama and Democrats in Congress cut taxes for every working family, putting more money in the pockets of Americans who need it most. A typical family has saved $3,600 during his first term. Now he's fighting to stop middle class families and those aspiring to join the middle class from seeing their taxes go up and to extend key tax relief for working families and those paying for college, while asking the wealthiest and corporations to pay their fair share. That is why we will always vigorously oppose the type of tax reform supported by Mitt Romney, which independent experts have found would require raising taxes on typical families with children by at least $2,000 if it were paid for. At the same time, Mitt Romney's plan would cut taxes for those making over $3 million by an average of $250,000 and would create incentives that will lead to hundreds of thousands of jobs going overseas at the expense of American workers.

If you are interested in learning more about what the Democrats want for America go here:  http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=101962

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