Tuesday, December 2, 2014

How Can You Amplify the Voice of the Democratic Party?

How Can You Amplify the Voice of the Democratic Party? And why would you want to? I will answer the second question first. In my opinion, we on the Left can do the most good if we focus our messages on the values, beliefs, and goals of the Democratic Party. We are not going to hear much about it in our main stream media. The people on the Right are good at tearing down what Democrats are trying to do and have done these past six years. We don't need to join them by pointing out our own errors. I also think we should want to because we want to win!

Now, how can the average person help? First of all, they can join Organizing For Action. Just go to https://www.barackobama.com/ and sign up. Next, plan to go there daily and share information from the website. The articles are there, the links are ready to go. You can share directly to Facebook and Twitter.
Sometimes, you are directed from OFA site to Whitehouse.gov for more information. From that site, you have literally thousands of article that you can share directly to many forms of social media.

Why not give it a try? This is one thing you can do to help us #Unite2Fight

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