Before I depart on a two week hiatus, I'd like to discuss what's really important in my humble opinion. #IMHO Many people get deluded by outside forces into believing that accumulating wealth, high status employment, or achieving fame is what it all about. #IMHO they are sadly mistaken. Sunday night I watched Barbara Walters interview the rich and famous. Here's what I learned from a few of them: Oprah's biggest concern is coming to terms with her weight, Taylor Swift can't go anywhere without drawing a crowd and has no privacy, and David Koch has billions but needs to try to justify his existence by donating heavily to the arts and hospitals so folks will remember him kindly. #IMHO They are more to be pitied than censured.
Here's what I think are really important: your health, your family, and your friends. If you have those three, you are truly blessed. This Holiday season, please try to keep your focus on the important things. I plan to return on January 5, 2015 Happy New Year.
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