Thursday, March 26, 2015


I recently attended a YWCA event where the speaker challenged us to consider how we spend our time, our money, and what words we tell ourselves. This got me thinking about our GOP members of Congress. If we reflect on those three topics in regard to the GOP in both houses of our Congress, we see that they've spent their time and our money trying to repeal Obamacare, shutting down the government, setting up budgets that cut money for needed social service programs while giving tax breaks to the 1% and corporations. The words they tell themselves are despicable. They demonize the poor and lionize the wealthy. They claim to be Christian while cutting services that help poor people and provide assistance to them. 

What are the GOP priorities? They have told us repeatedly. Privatize services, tax cuts for wealthy, cuts to basic services that people need, and lessening regulations on corporations. Now, how many people who vote for GOP candidates support these goals? We must help people realize exactly what they are supporting when they vote for Republicans. We only have a short time to get voters educated. Will you help? Write a letter to the editor. Tweet something. Post something about it on Facebook. Tell your friends and family. Together we can make a difference. But, we must act. We can't wait for any political party to do it for us. 

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