Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Trump Supporters are Delusional

The reality is that no one person can possibly be all the things that Trump supporters claim him to be. I offer as evidence this article from The Atlantic: 

The article was published last August and the author invited Trump supporters to write to him with their reasons for supporting the egocentric billionaire. Connor Friedersdorf, the author, explains that the responses tend to fall into two broad categories. "Broadly speaking, the men and women who wrote fall into two categories: Those who earnestly believe that Trump is the best choice to lead America and those who are motivated by giddyness at the chaotic spectacle of his success."

Here for your enlightenment are a few of their responses
 "A Liberal Who Wants America to Win––“I feel that Trump is our only hope in this next election. This is coming from someone who voted for Obama in the last election!”

Trump is Low Risk, High Reward––“I will vote for Donald Trump (and to a lesser extent Bernie Sanders) because he represents hope… And how much damage can he really do?”

Desperate People Cast Desperate Votes––“Wall Street, the banks, and even illegal immigrants seem to be prospering more than the average American citizen. We are desperate.”

Trump is a Gamble Worth Taking––“I am of the belief that he is conceited and arrogant enough to avoid failing in front of the world at all cost.”

Trump Put Illegal Immigration Front and Center––“We have horrendous problem with illegal aliens, sanctuary cities & crimes.”

Trump supporters rely on magical thinking. They believe him when he tells them to trust him to work out the details. They relish in his bravado. They commend him for being brash and insulting. In other words, Trump supporters are as scary to many of us as he is. 

Try to imagine him as our president. What type of image would he present to the world? If you don't find that a scary thought, then, I worry about you. 

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