Thursday, April 7, 2016


I'm a 67 year old woman, wife, mother, and grandmother. I came of age in the 60's. At that time young women were mostly looking to get married and raise a family. Young women who wanted a career were mostly tracked into nursing, teaching, or secretarial work. Before The Pill, women were often derailed in their career goals by their biology. At that time women were subject to and trained to be submissive to their husbands. Many were told who to vote for by their husbands. If they worked outside the home, they were still expected to accomplish all or most of the household tasks.

It was a time of transition. I got married in 1970. Because I had access to birth control, I could finish my education, start my career, and plan the birth of my first child. My husband was a traditional man but he learned to adapt to the changes and together we have helped raise his four children and the three we had together.

I am supporting Hillary Clinton this time because I believe she will be good for America. I have looked at her past actions and her current policy proposals. I like her emphasis on early childhood education and paid family medical leave. I like that she got the children's health program passed. Her plan to make college affordable seems to me more reasonable than free college.

I trust her judgment and respect her diplomatic expertise. Hillary Clinton is no war monger but she isn't a pushover either. She has experience at the statesman level and is the best qualified candidate to ever run for president. That's why she has my vote. And my husband's!

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