Sunday, July 27, 2014

Are You Thinking of Not Voting?

If you are someone or know of someone who says they are thinking of not voting, please know that this is not an informed decision. Many give excuses such as: I don't have time, I want to send a message I'm against the system, my vote doesn't count, I don't know enough about the issues, it's too complicated, and politicians are all the same anyhow. These excuses and others are simply unacceptable. In other words, they suck.

Here are a couple of excuses that don't suck: You are dead, you are not a citizen. That's it. The rest are BOGUS. For suggested responses to the most common excuses, see this:

Instead of NOT VOTING, consider the alternative. VOTE. Make your voice heard by showing up. In today's world you can often register on-line. Many states have early voting or absentee voting options. Some states are actually trying to make it easier by having mail in ballots!

If you are still thinking of not voting, then, I am asking you to please watch this video before you go:

Thank you and I hope to see you at the polls. #PDMFNB @PDMFNB

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