Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship

Let's look at two rights and two responsibilities today. The first right is freedom to express yourself. Our Bill of Rights has that as number one. Yet, is that right unlimited? Of course not! In America, we have freedom of speech, but, we can also be charged with slander and other crimes if we choose to abuse that right. The second right is freedom to worship as you wish. Sadly, we have some who think that only means the way they worship. If others try to assert their faith or atheism, they are condemned as starting a war on religion. If we are to preserve these two rights, then we must defend them even for those who say things we don't like or who practice a religion different from our own.

Now let's look at the first two responsibilities of a citizen. The first is to support and defend the Constitution. When was the last time you looked at the Constitution? Just for fun, why not try some of the quizzes here: How well can you defend something if you don't know what it is that you are defending? has several useful places on their site to help you strengthen your knowledge of our Constitution. Build up your knowledge so that you can be a strong defender and supporter.

The second responsibility for today is to stay informed of the issues affecting your community. Sure, the local evening news cast is a place to start. But, do not become complacent and think that is all you need to do. There are many other sources of information. In order for a citizen to be truly informed, one must actively seek out multiple sources of information. If you want to know what your representatives think or believe, whether on your city council, your county board, your state legislature, or in Congress, then learn who they are and how to best contact them. Attend public meetings where you can listen and learn about the issues.
No one is going to do this for you. To be informed is an active and unending process.
Every election year is important, but this one may be pivotal. Be informed and vote. That is your responsibility and mine. Just do it!

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