Thursday, July 3, 2014

How Can You Be a True Patriot?

Patriot is defined as one "who loves and fights or strongly supports his or her country." It is far more than attending Fourth of July parades. It is far more than going to the picnics and fireworks displays. It is far more than waving the American Flag or yelling, "Go USA!" at the World Cup.

A true patriot is one who learns about the issues, stays informed about what their representatives in Congress are doing or not doing, gets registered to vote, helps others get to vote, and most importantly, VOTES!

Charles Pierce says it better than I ever could in his essay here: I hope everyone will take a few minutes to read it and realize how precious the right to vote is.
Many people have sacrificed all for our right to vote. How can anyone take it for granted?

So, on this patriotic day when Americans celebrate our independence, why not make a promise to yourself and your country and get involved in the election process? Here is a great place to start:   And another great one is:


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