Friday, September 5, 2014

Natalie Tennant, West Virginia Secretary of State, is running for Senate

The current Senator Jay Rockefeller will retire at the end of this term. Natalie Tennant, current Secretary  of State in West Virginia, is the Democratic candidate in the November 4th election. This is what the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has to say about her: "the DSCC is confident Secretary of State Natalie Tennant will hold Senator Rockefeller’s seat next November. As Secretary of State, Tennant has fought for reforms that help West Virginians, worked to make government more accountable, and saved taxpayers millions by cutting excessive spending." You can read more and sign up to help her here:

Ballotpedia's article on the 2014 Senate race in West Virginia seems to suggest that the state is becoming more conservative. The article cites a poll that gives Tennant's opponent, Capito, a 10 point lead. There are also five other candidates from 3rd parties running to split up the vote.,_2014

If you would like to know more about Tennant, please refer to this article: It has good information and current news links to articles about her candidacy. You can also go to Tennant's campaign website to sign up to help:

Interestingly, if either Tennant or Capito win, it will be the first time West Virginia has sent a woman to the Senate. Please do what you can to be sure it is the Democratic woman! Thanks. on Twitter @PDMFNB

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