Today we will look at the primary races in Massachusettes (MA) and Rhode Island (RI). In MA the primary is a mixed primary. This means that unaffiliated voters can chose which party's ballot they want to vote on and still remain unaffiliated. The incumbent Senator Ed Markey is running unopposed in the Democratic primary and there are three candidates on the Republican side. There are nine incumbent Democrats running in the primary for the House of Representatives. In districts five and six, the incumbents have Democratic challengers. Districts one, two, four, and five do NOT have any Republicans running in the primary. The current MA Governor, Duvall Patrick (D), has chosen not to run for reelection. There are three Democratic candidates running for governor, Martha Coakley, Donald Berwick, and Steven Grossman. On the Republican side, there are two candidates for governor, Charles D. Baker and Mark Fisher. The winners of the Democratic and Republican primaries will also face three independent candidates in the general election.
For more on the 2014 elections in MA, please see this:,_2014#tab=State_Executives
Rhode Island also has a mixed primary system. The incumbent Senator Jack Reed is running unopposed in the Democratic primary as is his Republican challenger, Mark Zaccaria. In the House race, one of the two Democratic incumbents is facing a primary challenge. In district one, David Cicilline, the incumbent, will face Matthew Fecteau on Tuesday. There are two Republican candidates for district one also. In district two, both Democratic and Republican candidates are running unopposed.
In the RI governor's race, there are four Democratic candidates, two Republican candidates running in the two primaries. The winners will face six independent candidates in the general election. The current governor, Lincoln Chafee (D), declined to run again. For information on other races in RI, see this:,_2014
If you live in MA or RI, please be sure to vote for Democrats Tuesday! on Twitter @PDMFNB
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