Friday, September 12, 2014

Voter Turnout

Several states held their primaries on September 9. One thing they had in common was low voter turnout. Now we know that historically voters don't get too excited about primaries. This is really irrational thinking on the part of the voters who sit it out. As I wrote in an earlier blog, the primary is vital; as in most cases, that is where the candidates are selected for the general election ballot. How often do you hear someone say they don't like any of the candidates? Well, be sure to ask them if they voted in the primary or participated in the caucus that set the candidate slate. Here's a link to my earlier blog on the importance of primaries:

In the recent New York primary, guess who sat out the election?   According to the article, Democrats' turnout was poor in Saratoga County. Sure it is a Republican stronghold, but; how can it change if Democrats don't vote?

The statistics aren't all in yet on the 2014 primary turnout. But we can look at what things historically affect it. According to
there are four things that tend to impact voting rates. They are:  competitiveness of the races, election type, voting laws, and demographics. Obviously, a very competitive race encourages voter turnout. The primary and local elections tend to have lowest, often with mayoral races being decided by just a few votes. In a town near me the current mayor was selected by lottery after she won by TWO votes and absentee ballots came in with TWO for her opponent.

We looked at demographics in a recent blog:  Soon, we will be looking at voting laws and how they impact voter turnout. Stay tuned. on Twitter @PDMFNB

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