The Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland wraps up today. Here's the speaker schedule:
At the end, they conduct a straw poll to show which potential presidential candidate most pandered to the base.
I've been following two hashtags on Twitter. #CPACQ was quickly hijacked by liberals who posted fake questions to the conference. As sample can be found here:
The other one is #CPAC2015 which also has some interesting liberal tweets. Basically, all candidates/speakers had nothing good to say about President Obama or America under his leadership. Yet, they criticized him for suggesting America had room for improvement. Go figure!
This most bizarre speech so far was by Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty. If you enjoy craziness, his speech can be found here: In summary, Phil blames hippies for STD's.
We can only hope this clown show is not what actually represents the real Republican party. A slim hope, I fear.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Friday, February 27, 2015
The Challenge of Getting A Clean Funding Bill
Back when the Cromnibus was passed, GOP pulled the DHS from the funding bill. It was a ploy they planned to use to pressure President Obama into reniging on his Immigration Executive Orders. Now we are down to the wire and very soon our Department of Homeland Security will run out of funds.
There is some talk of a 3 week continuing resolution that will fund it for a few more weeks. What is the point? This type of political gamesmanship is ruinous to our country. No one wins. And it makes us look bad to the rest of the world.
As of this writing, the Senate appears to be ready to pass a clean funding bill by removing the problematic immigration provisions. Meanwhile, Speaker Boehner says he will NOT remove the immigration part and maintains the House has already done its part.
They know what is at stake here and they don't care. You see it is a game they are playing to see who will blink first. This is what happens when only 1/3 of the eligible voters get to the polls. The 2/3rds who sat out the 2014 election let this happen. We have to elect people who are more interested in getting things done for the American people than in scoring political points.
There is some talk of a 3 week continuing resolution that will fund it for a few more weeks. What is the point? This type of political gamesmanship is ruinous to our country. No one wins. And it makes us look bad to the rest of the world.
As of this writing, the Senate appears to be ready to pass a clean funding bill by removing the problematic immigration provisions. Meanwhile, Speaker Boehner says he will NOT remove the immigration part and maintains the House has already done its part.
They know what is at stake here and they don't care. You see it is a game they are playing to see who will blink first. This is what happens when only 1/3 of the eligible voters get to the polls. The 2/3rds who sat out the 2014 election let this happen. We have to elect people who are more interested in getting things done for the American people than in scoring political points.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Playing Politics
Politics is a game for some folks. In our Federal government, our state governments, and at the local level, there are individuals who see politics as a win/lose game. They are opportunistic, manipulative, and devious in their efforts to have their way prevail. This game for them often is life or death for so many who depend on our governments at all levels to do the right thing for the people.
Wouldn't you call the little game that Speaker Boehner and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel are playing opportunistic, manipulative and devious? Well, THE NEW YORK TIMES did just that last month. In an opinon piece, the editorial board called it "Playing Politics on Iran." They called out both politicians this way, "Lawmakers have every right to disagree with presidents; so do foreign leaders. But this event, to be staged in March a mile from the White House, is a hostile attempt to lobby Congress to enact more sanctions against Iran, a measure that Mr. Obama has rightly threatened to veto."
The rift between The White House and Netanyahu has only grown since that January article. Democrats believe this visit at this time is destructive to the relationship between the US and Israel. Susan Rice was quoted in a BBC article as saying, " "We want the relationship between the United States and Israel to be unquestionably strong, immutable... regardless of which party may be in charge in either country," she told PBS television."
At this writing nearly two dozen Democrats have stated their intention to boycott Netanyahu's speech.
THE CHICAGO SUN TIMES has called on Senator Dick Durbin and ALL Democrats to boycott the speech.
The TIMES gives some very good reasons for their stance, including sending a message that the United States will not be "manipulated once again into supporting another war Americans don’t want." So, why aren't all Democrats in unison about this boycott? Perhaps they are caught between publically supporting Israel and trying to back our President. What do you think? What would you have your representative do? Attend the speech or boycott it? Why not let them know?
Wouldn't you call the little game that Speaker Boehner and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel are playing opportunistic, manipulative and devious? Well, THE NEW YORK TIMES did just that last month. In an opinon piece, the editorial board called it "Playing Politics on Iran." They called out both politicians this way, "Lawmakers have every right to disagree with presidents; so do foreign leaders. But this event, to be staged in March a mile from the White House, is a hostile attempt to lobby Congress to enact more sanctions against Iran, a measure that Mr. Obama has rightly threatened to veto."
The rift between The White House and Netanyahu has only grown since that January article. Democrats believe this visit at this time is destructive to the relationship between the US and Israel. Susan Rice was quoted in a BBC article as saying, " "We want the relationship between the United States and Israel to be unquestionably strong, immutable... regardless of which party may be in charge in either country," she told PBS television."
At this writing nearly two dozen Democrats have stated their intention to boycott Netanyahu's speech.
THE CHICAGO SUN TIMES has called on Senator Dick Durbin and ALL Democrats to boycott the speech.
The TIMES gives some very good reasons for their stance, including sending a message that the United States will not be "manipulated once again into supporting another war Americans don’t want." So, why aren't all Democrats in unison about this boycott? Perhaps they are caught between publically supporting Israel and trying to back our President. What do you think? What would you have your representative do? Attend the speech or boycott it? Why not let them know?
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Liars, Lie
First it was Brian Williams, then Bill O'Reilly, now Veterans Affairs Chairman, Robert McDonald lies about his military service.
Of the three examples cited, I find the last to be the most troubling. The VA has been plagued with exposure of lies and now we have the new head of that agency admitting to lying about his service record. We need to have confidence that what our government and its agents are telling us is the absolute truth. Too many people today are using lack of trust of govenment as an excuse to drop out of politics and stop voting.
We need people to be engaged and to hold our media and politicians' feet to the fire. When people get so disillusioned with our system that they believe there's no purpose in being involved, then our system needs to be re-tooled.
Many progressives find it difficult to trust any information put out by our government. This is tragic. Millenials, now the largest block exceeding Baby Boomers in size, know that govenment lies to them at times and therefore, find any information coming from government sources to be suspect.
I want to be able to trust in my government. Washington needs to fix this credibility problem. Instead of reacting with silence or tacit support, the government must not allow lies and liars to continue.
Of the three examples cited, I find the last to be the most troubling. The VA has been plagued with exposure of lies and now we have the new head of that agency admitting to lying about his service record. We need to have confidence that what our government and its agents are telling us is the absolute truth. Too many people today are using lack of trust of govenment as an excuse to drop out of politics and stop voting.
We need people to be engaged and to hold our media and politicians' feet to the fire. When people get so disillusioned with our system that they believe there's no purpose in being involved, then our system needs to be re-tooled.
Many progressives find it difficult to trust any information put out by our government. This is tragic. Millenials, now the largest block exceeding Baby Boomers in size, know that govenment lies to them at times and therefore, find any information coming from government sources to be suspect.
I want to be able to trust in my government. Washington needs to fix this credibility problem. Instead of reacting with silence or tacit support, the government must not allow lies and liars to continue.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
What is it With Republicans and Regulations?
"For congressional Republicans, it's regulation-hunting season." So says Jason Plautz in THE NATIONAL JOURNAL. In this article, Plautz cites 10 environmental regulations that Republicans want to address in this Congress. Why are GOP so keen on rolling back regulations on corporations? I believe the answer is simple. Follow the money trail. The same industries that GOP plan to de-regulate also happen to be heavy campaign contributors.
The same thing is true with regulations on the banking industry and Wall Street. Last month they tried to roll back regulations on Wall Street, but they were blocked by Democrats.
The hypocrisy of the Republicans, however, is evident regarding regulations as they are avid supporters of regulations when it comes to marriage equality, voting, abortion and other social issues that do not have large corporations as supporters. Even Jon Stewart was quick to point out the blatant hypocrisy of the GOP on regulations. Stewart skewers the GOP on their myth of favoring small government.
Imagine, if you will, a world where corporations were free of regulations. Does that sound like a utopia to you or a recipe for disaster? Democrats know that our economy only works when there are rules in place to ensure fairness and opportunity for all.
If you've never really read it, I encourage you to download and read the Deomcratic Party Platform 2012. It clearly shows the major differences between Democrats and Republicans. Then, after reading it, I hope you will be inspired to work to elect Democrats.
The same thing is true with regulations on the banking industry and Wall Street. Last month they tried to roll back regulations on Wall Street, but they were blocked by Democrats.
The hypocrisy of the Republicans, however, is evident regarding regulations as they are avid supporters of regulations when it comes to marriage equality, voting, abortion and other social issues that do not have large corporations as supporters. Even Jon Stewart was quick to point out the blatant hypocrisy of the GOP on regulations. Stewart skewers the GOP on their myth of favoring small government.
Imagine, if you will, a world where corporations were free of regulations. Does that sound like a utopia to you or a recipe for disaster? Democrats know that our economy only works when there are rules in place to ensure fairness and opportunity for all.
If you've never really read it, I encourage you to download and read the Deomcratic Party Platform 2012. It clearly shows the major differences between Democrats and Republicans. Then, after reading it, I hope you will be inspired to work to elect Democrats.
Monday, February 23, 2015
What Does Decline of Unions Mean to America?
I was a union member most of my working days. I know how important they were to my employment. I didn't really think about how important they are to this country until the Republicans began their all out assault on them.
It's not everyday that you see a political pundit admit their error. Yet last week Nicholas Kristof did just that. In an OP-ED in THE NEW YORK TIMES, Kristof said that he was wrong about unions. While never denying the abuses done in the name of unions, he outlines the economic impact related to the recent decline in them. Astoundingly, he cites a study that asserts the decline as leading to at least 1/3 rise in the income inequality we have today.
Kristhof says there's clearly more abuse in the corporate suite than within the unions. He states, "One of the things you learn as a journalist is that when there’s no accountability, we humans are capable of tremendous avarice and venality. That’s true of union bosses — and of corporate tycoons. Unions, even flawed ones, can provide checks and balances for flawed corporations."
He goes on to show that unions, rather than being a drag on the economy as some assert, are actually a means to help boost the economy.
The article is linked here:
I hope you will take a look at this OP-ED and then do what you can to support and strengthen unions in your state.
It's not everyday that you see a political pundit admit their error. Yet last week Nicholas Kristof did just that. In an OP-ED in THE NEW YORK TIMES, Kristof said that he was wrong about unions. While never denying the abuses done in the name of unions, he outlines the economic impact related to the recent decline in them. Astoundingly, he cites a study that asserts the decline as leading to at least 1/3 rise in the income inequality we have today.
Kristhof says there's clearly more abuse in the corporate suite than within the unions. He states, "One of the things you learn as a journalist is that when there’s no accountability, we humans are capable of tremendous avarice and venality. That’s true of union bosses — and of corporate tycoons. Unions, even flawed ones, can provide checks and balances for flawed corporations."
He goes on to show that unions, rather than being a drag on the economy as some assert, are actually a means to help boost the economy.
The article is linked here:
I hope you will take a look at this OP-ED and then do what you can to support and strengthen unions in your state.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
The Obama Economy
In case you missed it, President Obama addressed the winter meeting of the Democratic National Committee on Friday in Washington D.C. If you want to hear them, try this link:
I love it when the President is able to list the economic successes we've had under his leadership and policies. I'm sure the Republicans cringe when he starts listing them.
Democrats and Republicans are on opposite poles in economic poilcy. The President pointed that out Friday. He couldn't keep from taunting Republicans a bit that all their predictions of doom and gloom had not panned out.
We know that Republican ideas of tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations and lessening regulations just don't work. Look at the states that have tried that strategy. It is an utter failure.
Democrats believe the way to grow the economy is to raise the minimum wage, help folks get healthcare affordably, and create jobs by rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure to name a few ideas.
President Obama encouraged Democrats to remember this as we are heading into the 2016 elections. I strongly encourage all Democrats running in 2016 to stand proudly with our President and his successes.
I love it when the President is able to list the economic successes we've had under his leadership and policies. I'm sure the Republicans cringe when he starts listing them.
Democrats and Republicans are on opposite poles in economic poilcy. The President pointed that out Friday. He couldn't keep from taunting Republicans a bit that all their predictions of doom and gloom had not panned out.
We know that Republican ideas of tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations and lessening regulations just don't work. Look at the states that have tried that strategy. It is an utter failure.
Democrats believe the way to grow the economy is to raise the minimum wage, help folks get healthcare affordably, and create jobs by rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure to name a few ideas.
President Obama encouraged Democrats to remember this as we are heading into the 2016 elections. I strongly encourage all Democrats running in 2016 to stand proudly with our President and his successes.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Guiliani's Outrageous Remarks
We can only hope that the Republican party denounces the outrageous remarks made by Rudy Guiliani at Wednesday night's private dinner for Scott Walker in New York City. This is what he said, "Speaking at a private dinner for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in Manhattan, the former mayor of New York said, “I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America,” Politico reports. He went on to say, “He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.” Just reading those remarks makes me angry and outraged.
Today on Fox, he said that the President doesn't love America like we do. Now, what exactly does that mean? When Scott Walker was asked about it, "Walker declined to comment, saying that Giuliani "can speak for himself."" httpr://
Remember back in the 2008 presidential campaign when the crazy lady stood up at a John McCain townhall meeting and asked about Barack Obama being Muslim and not born in America? What if McCain had just replied, "Well that's what some people say." But, he didn't do that. He forcefully told her that was wrong information and he corrected her. Where are those kind of GOP now?
Today, the DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz took exception to Guiliani's comments and challenged all Republicans to say, "Enough"!
I'm not holding my breath waiting because this Republican party panders to the lowest element of their base. They know that saying mean and hateful things about President Obama and twisting his words or taking them out of context gets their RW base excited. It's disgusting and shows a complete lack of integrity in the party.
Since I wrote this Thursday, Mr. Guliani has doubled down on his remarks. It's obvious to me that his rhetoric is a smoke screen trying to cover that the Republican party has nothing to offer America.
If someone in the Republican party has the grace and dignity to denounce Guilani's remarks, I will highlight that person in this blog.
Today on Fox, he said that the President doesn't love America like we do. Now, what exactly does that mean? When Scott Walker was asked about it, "Walker declined to comment, saying that Giuliani "can speak for himself."" httpr://
Remember back in the 2008 presidential campaign when the crazy lady stood up at a John McCain townhall meeting and asked about Barack Obama being Muslim and not born in America? What if McCain had just replied, "Well that's what some people say." But, he didn't do that. He forcefully told her that was wrong information and he corrected her. Where are those kind of GOP now?
Today, the DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz took exception to Guiliani's comments and challenged all Republicans to say, "Enough"!
I'm not holding my breath waiting because this Republican party panders to the lowest element of their base. They know that saying mean and hateful things about President Obama and twisting his words or taking them out of context gets their RW base excited. It's disgusting and shows a complete lack of integrity in the party.
Since I wrote this Thursday, Mr. Guliani has doubled down on his remarks. It's obvious to me that his rhetoric is a smoke screen trying to cover that the Republican party has nothing to offer America.
If someone in the Republican party has the grace and dignity to denounce Guilani's remarks, I will highlight that person in this blog.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
ISIS and the End Times
My mind finds it challenging to comprehend what appeal apocalyptic thinking has for some people. Webster defines it as, "relating to or involving terrible violence and destruction."
In reference to the appeal this thinking has on ISIS, Peter Bergen of CNN has an idea. He explains that they see themselves involved in a violent war between good and evil. "ISIS members devoutly believe that they are fighting in a cosmic war in which they are on the side of good, which allows them to kill anyone they perceive to be standing in their way with no compunction." You can read his article here:
This ISIS view is based on apocalyptic writings in the Koran they select to justify their cause. But, Islamic scholars say the view ISIS holds is wrong. In fact, one scholar, Nihad Alwad, executive director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), announced that 120 Islamic scholars had produced an 18 page document for ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Bagh, in Arabic explaining in great detail why they are wrong. He also says Graeme Wood in his ATLANTIC article
on ISIS was wrong to say they are Islamic. here is Wood's article:
Alwad says ISIS not only does not represent Islam, it isn't Muslim at all!
So we have Muslim scholars telling ISIS they are wrong and they aren't representing Muslims at all.
And that is what our President also believes and tells the world.
The President's Summit on Counter Terrorism sought to address the root causes for the appeal ISIS has to disenfranchised people all over the world who leave their homelands or try at least to join up with ISIS.
Here's a video link for President Obama's comments:
Can ISIS be defeated? In our Congress, we have hard liners insisting we must supply troops if it's ever going to happen. Our President maintains that it is the Iraq's job to fight ISIS. Kurdish fighters recently afforded ISIS a major defeat in north-east Syria. This victory over nearly 1,000 ISIS fighters seems to show what can be done with determined fighters and American air strikes.
In February, President Obama in a speech on war with ISIS declared that we should, "Make no mistake, this is a difficult mission and it will remain difficult for some time, ... It will take time to dislodge these terrorists, especially from urban areas. But our coalition is on the offensive. ISIL is on the defensive, and ISIL is going to lose."
These extremists believe they can force God's hand and bring about the end of the world.
In reference to the appeal this thinking has on ISIS, Peter Bergen of CNN has an idea. He explains that they see themselves involved in a violent war between good and evil. "ISIS members devoutly believe that they are fighting in a cosmic war in which they are on the side of good, which allows them to kill anyone they perceive to be standing in their way with no compunction." You can read his article here:
This ISIS view is based on apocalyptic writings in the Koran they select to justify their cause. But, Islamic scholars say the view ISIS holds is wrong. In fact, one scholar, Nihad Alwad, executive director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), announced that 120 Islamic scholars had produced an 18 page document for ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Bagh, in Arabic explaining in great detail why they are wrong. He also says Graeme Wood in his ATLANTIC article
on ISIS was wrong to say they are Islamic. here is Wood's article:
Alwad says ISIS not only does not represent Islam, it isn't Muslim at all!
So we have Muslim scholars telling ISIS they are wrong and they aren't representing Muslims at all.
And that is what our President also believes and tells the world.
The President's Summit on Counter Terrorism sought to address the root causes for the appeal ISIS has to disenfranchised people all over the world who leave their homelands or try at least to join up with ISIS.
Here's a video link for President Obama's comments:
Can ISIS be defeated? In our Congress, we have hard liners insisting we must supply troops if it's ever going to happen. Our President maintains that it is the Iraq's job to fight ISIS. Kurdish fighters recently afforded ISIS a major defeat in north-east Syria. This victory over nearly 1,000 ISIS fighters seems to show what can be done with determined fighters and American air strikes.
In February, President Obama in a speech on war with ISIS declared that we should, "Make no mistake, this is a difficult mission and it will remain difficult for some time, ... It will take time to dislodge these terrorists, especially from urban areas. But our coalition is on the offensive. ISIL is on the defensive, and ISIL is going to lose."
These extremists believe they can force God's hand and bring about the end of the world.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
It's a Complex Issue
Anyone who pretends that a simple solution like "boots on the ground" will solve the problem the world is experiencing with Jihadist of all ilks is either a complete fool or working for the corporations that service our military. Just try to research the terms Jihadist, ISIS, ISIS, DAESH, al Qaeda, and IS. I dare you.
Yet, we must learn about them and figure out how to defeat them. We must learn how to keep young, disenfranchised youth from leaving their countries to join up and fight for them. To this end, The White House is hosting a Counter Terrorism Summit beginning Wednesday, February 18.
Back in January, The White House release a statement from the President regarding the goals of this summit.
For a glimpse at the complexity of the Jihadist issue, check out the connecting web-like charts in this article:
Please keep track of the summit findings and do what you can to try to dissect the complexities of these extremeists.
Yet, we must learn about them and figure out how to defeat them. We must learn how to keep young, disenfranchised youth from leaving their countries to join up and fight for them. To this end, The White House is hosting a Counter Terrorism Summit beginning Wednesday, February 18.
Back in January, The White House release a statement from the President regarding the goals of this summit.
For a glimpse at the complexity of the Jihadist issue, check out the connecting web-like charts in this article:
Please keep track of the summit findings and do what you can to try to dissect the complexities of these extremeists.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
"Secret Negotiations"
Ever wonder why negotiations are done in secret? Recent outrage over trade negotiations are nothing compared to the serious nature of the possibility that one of our allies has released some of the details of delicate nuclear negotiations with Iran. So, let's look at reasons why negotiations aren't all done in public and on camera for everyone to see. Think about this for a minute. If you are in a divorce or you are working out a business arrangement, do you want all the details under consideration to be made public before the deal is done? Of course not! For an interesting look at the secrecy aspect of negotiation strategy, please see this article:
Once you can no longer trust the people involved in the negotiations, the ability to reach an agreement is seriously hampered. If it is true that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has leaked some details of the working negotiations with Iran, then we all have to question his motives.
Please take a moment to read the article:
Another great article about the subject is to be found here;
It would appear that our ally is having some issues with loyalty. After going around the administration and setting up an address to our Congress, Mr. Netanyahu now seems to be actively trying to sabbotage these negotiations. With friends like this, we don't need enemies.
Once you can no longer trust the people involved in the negotiations, the ability to reach an agreement is seriously hampered. If it is true that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has leaked some details of the working negotiations with Iran, then we all have to question his motives.
Please take a moment to read the article:
Another great article about the subject is to be found here;
It would appear that our ally is having some issues with loyalty. After going around the administration and setting up an address to our Congress, Mr. Netanyahu now seems to be actively trying to sabbotage these negotiations. With friends like this, we don't need enemies.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Authorization for Use of Military Force
Isn't it interesting how Democrats and Republicans have positioned themselves regarding President Obama's recent Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF)? You can read it here:
Democrats mostly don't like it because they fear it is too broad and ambiguous and Republicans don't like it because it doesn't go far enough. It will be interesting to watch how this issue is debated in Congress and to see what AUMF they come up with in the end.
Here are a few articles of interest regarding the proposed AUMF:
The five words Democrats don't like: via @TIMEPolitics
This one says it is a good start, just need some tweeking:
What do you think? Please comment below.
Democrats mostly don't like it because they fear it is too broad and ambiguous and Republicans don't like it because it doesn't go far enough. It will be interesting to watch how this issue is debated in Congress and to see what AUMF they come up with in the end.
Here are a few articles of interest regarding the proposed AUMF:
The five words Democrats don't like: via @TIMEPolitics
This one says it is a good start, just need some tweeking:
What do you think? Please comment below.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Get Rid of Income Cap on Social Security Taxes
How does it make you feel to know that millionnaires and billionnaires have already capped out on paying their Social Security taxes while the rest of Ameria will continue to pay them all year? Did you know that raising the cap would strengthen Social Security and help eliminate any future problems with it.
This is too crucial to ignore. Too many people are kept from poverty by Social Security payments. Income inequality and caps on income are affecting the long-term health of the system that so many need to exist.
The Center for American Progress has identifed recent trends that are having a negative impact on the health of our social safety net. Three important ones are: productivity is raising faster than wages, more earnings are concentrated above the cap on taxable earnings, and earnings below the cap are becoming more unequal. Obviously, this cannot be sustained.
Please take some time to read this article: "The Effect of Rising Inequality on Social Security,"
After reading the article, please consider letting your elected representatives know how you feel and what actions you'd like to see them take to protect and preserve Social Security.
Also, this non-profit is fighting to inform and protect Social Security:
This is too crucial to ignore. Too many people are kept from poverty by Social Security payments. Income inequality and caps on income are affecting the long-term health of the system that so many need to exist.
The Center for American Progress has identifed recent trends that are having a negative impact on the health of our social safety net. Three important ones are: productivity is raising faster than wages, more earnings are concentrated above the cap on taxable earnings, and earnings below the cap are becoming more unequal. Obviously, this cannot be sustained.
Please take some time to read this article: "The Effect of Rising Inequality on Social Security,"
After reading the article, please consider letting your elected representatives know how you feel and what actions you'd like to see them take to protect and preserve Social Security.
Also, this non-profit is fighting to inform and protect Social Security:
Friday, February 13, 2015
#MuslimsLivesMatter has been trending on Twitter since the possible hate crime murder of three young Muslims students in North Carolina. At first main stream media was pre-occupied with news of Brian Williams' suspension and Jon Stewart's resignation. Twitter outrage took off and as of this writing over 1 million tweets have gone out over the#ChapelHillShooting hashtag. According to Democracy Now police are saying the murders were possibly over a parking dispute but the father of one of the victims is claiming it was actually a hate crime.…/muslim_lives_matter_outrage_g……/muslim_lives_matter_outrage_g…
So what is a hate crime? The U.S. Department of Justice defines hate crime as “the violence of intolerance and bigotry, intended to hurt and intimidate someone because of their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.”
The man who turned himself in to Chapel Hill police and has been charged with first degree murder had previously posted on social media comments that were anti-religion. He'd also had previous encounters with the people who were shot on Tuesday.
Obviously, this is complex and confusing situation. Time will tell whether this was indeed a hate crime or just another dispute that went out of control. But, in the meantime, we all need to be aware of how people of different races, ethnicities, national origins, religions, sexual orientations, or disabilities are being portrayed in our media. We also need to carefully examine the differences in how people are being covered in our media. When does a killer go from being insane to a thug or a terrorist?
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Republicans Launch Attack on Net Neutrality
It comes as no big surprise that Republicans have launched an all out attack on Federal Communication Commission Chariman Tom Wheeler's net neutrality plan. We all know how they server their corporate masters. It really does NOT matter to them that 85% of Republicans favor net neutrality. So, they will lie and mis-represent what is actually in Wheeler's proposed rules to try to turn sentiment against keeping an open and free internet.
There are several articles referenced here if you are interested in reading more about the topic:
If you care about this issue, then take a moment to let the FCC know your thoughts.
There are several articles referenced here if you are interested in reading more about the topic:
If you care about this issue, then take a moment to let the FCC know your thoughts.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Talk is Cheap
It is easy to sit at your computer and talk about getting out the vote. Here's a guy who decided to actually walk away from the computer and get involved politically at the local level.
Sitting around reading about politics may be a good thing. But, why not actually go out and do something. Need some ideas?
to a Democratic candidate
Sitting around reading about politics may be a good thing. But, why not actually go out and do something. Need some ideas?
to a Democratic candidate
Knock on doors/canvass
Phone bank
Talk to a voter
___ Register a new voter
___ Share
a political post
___ Attend a meeting/rally/event
Write a letter-to-the-editor
___ Wear Democratic/progressive
___ Comment on a post or newspaper article
Or, do like the DailyKos writer and run for election on your local Democratic Party Central Committee. Activism is where it's at. Get out there and do something!
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
While our President and leaders of the European Union are trying a diplomatic solution to the situation in Ukraine, some Republicans are undermining their efforts by calling for a bill mandating that the United States send arms to Ukraine.
Meanwhile, President Obama is weighing a decision on sending arms to Ukraine. He will not be bullied into making a very important and strategic decision.
There are many trying to weigh in on the pros and cons of this issue. Ultimately, President Obama will make a decision. One writer, against arming them, John J. Mearscheimer, says, "They are wrong. Going down that road would be a huge mistake for the United States, NATO and Ukraine itself. Sending weapons to Ukraine will not rescue its army and will instead lead to an escalation in the fighting."
This is a complex and multi-faceted issue. Simple solutions often lead to tragic results. Let's give our President a chance to make a decision. There will be plenty for Republicans to criticize whatever choice he makes.
Meanwhile, President Obama is weighing a decision on sending arms to Ukraine. He will not be bullied into making a very important and strategic decision.
There are many trying to weigh in on the pros and cons of this issue. Ultimately, President Obama will make a decision. One writer, against arming them, John J. Mearscheimer, says, "They are wrong. Going down that road would be a huge mistake for the United States, NATO and Ukraine itself. Sending weapons to Ukraine will not rescue its army and will instead lead to an escalation in the fighting."
This is a complex and multi-faceted issue. Simple solutions often lead to tragic results. Let's give our President a chance to make a decision. There will be plenty for Republicans to criticize whatever choice he makes.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Edward R. Murrow and Broadcast Integrity
Have you heard of Edward R. Murrow? He was an American broadcast journalist who gained prominence on the radio during WWII. His broadcasts were listened to by millions. He became director of talks for CBS in 1935. In 1951, he started a televison journalism program called, SEE IT NOW. He helped expose Senator Joe McCarty and he left broadcasting in 1961. You can see a short video about him here:
In 1958, Murrow delivered a famous speech, "wires and lights in a box", before the Radio and Television Digital News Association. (RTDNA) If you are interested, you can listen to the entire speech here:
I am just going to cull a few quotes and share them here: "Sometimes there is a clash between the public interest and the corporate interest. A telephone call or a letter from a proper quarter in Washington is treated rather more seriously than a communication from an irate but not politically potent viewer." True today, I think, don't you?
Another good quote: "I am frightened by the imbalance, the constant striving to reach the largest possible audience for everything; by the absence of a sustained study of the state of the nation. Heywood Broun once said, "No body politic is healthy until it begins to itch." I would like television to produce some itching pills rather than this endless outpouring of tranquilizers." Again, this may be an even more compelling truth today.
I like this one because it shows Murrow had faith in the consumer: "I am entirely persuaded that the American public is more reasonable, restrained and more mature than most of our industry's program planners believe. Their fear of controversy is not warranted by the evidence. I have reason to know, as do many of you, that when the evidence on a controversial subject is fairly and calmly presented, the public recognizes it for what it is--an effort to illuminate rather than to agitate."
All of this is leading to the main point of the post. The RTDNA has a code of ethics. Link:
And it has a set of guidelines for how media should handle things suchs as: breaking news, hostage situations, bomb threats, respecting privacy, and much more. Link:
Perhaps, it would behoove the consumer of digital information to read up on these codes and guidelines and then we can communicate in an informed manner when we see or hear broadcasters violate them.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Pope Francis to Address Congress
This is historic! On September 24, 2015, Pope Francis will become the first pope to ever adddress a joint meeting of Congress. If you were helping the Holy Father to craft his speech, what topics would you like to see him address?
Here's my list: healing the sick(#ACA), feeding the hungry(#SNAP), the dangers of extreme wealth(#Incomeinequality), violence done in the name of religion, taking care of weak, elderly and children, and lastly, how working together for the betterment of all is the ideal.
Please post your ideas in the comment section.
Here's my list: healing the sick(#ACA), feeding the hungry(#SNAP), the dangers of extreme wealth(#Incomeinequality), violence done in the name of religion, taking care of weak, elderly and children, and lastly, how working together for the betterment of all is the ideal.
Please post your ideas in the comment section.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Net Neutrality
It seems like the Feds are on board with net neutrality. Millions of us have sent our comments to the FCC asking them to rule so that we continue to have an internet that works for all of us. Now, the Chairman of the FCC, Tom Wheeler has begun circulating among the FCC members a set of proposed rules that would "preserve the internet as an open platform for innovation and free expression."
You can read more here:
It is a great read and Wheeler shares his own experience about the importance of open networks. I hope you'll enjoy the article.
You can read more here:
It is a great read and Wheeler shares his own experience about the importance of open networks. I hope you'll enjoy the article.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
56 Times and Counting
The Side Effects of House Republicans 56th Vote Attacking the Affordable Care Act -
"Today, House Republicans will hold their 56th vote to undermine or repeal patient protections and cost savings that the Affordable Care Act has brought to millions of Americans. Here’s a look at what their bill to fully repeal the Affordable Care Act would mean for working families:"
Democratic Whip Steney Hoyer explains what would happen if Republicans were successful in repealing the Affordable Care Act.
Greg Sargent in THE WASHINGTON POST article, "Today's GOP Vote to Repeal Obamacare is a Very Big Deal. Here's Why." says this vote is significant and not just something they are trying to get out of the way. Sargent maintains that it set a tone for the debate over the King vs. Burwell challenge. He say if the Supreme Court upholds that decision millions of people could lose their subsidies and their insurance coverage would be too costly. This would upset the insurance markets across the land. You can read it here:'t it time we put #PeopleOverPolitics ? I am sick and tired of the obstructionism that the GOP have stuck with in Congress. When are people going to get tired of it enough to get out and support candidates who will represent people and listen to their constitutients? If you are tired of it too, then why not take a minute and call Speaker Boehner's office and let them know how you feel or contact your own representatives in Congress.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
"Free of re-election concerns and constrained by a Republican congress that will try to block him at every turn, President Obama released an ambitious 2016 budget on Monday that's more about what he would do than what he can do." This is the lead into an article in BLOOMBERG NEWS published on Monday. The article is titled, "The 5 Big Asks in President Obama's Aspirational, Unpassable $4 Trillion Budget."
According to the article, this budget if passed, would take from the rich, make big business pay, boost the middle class, stop worrying about deficits, and bankroll the Pentagon. It includes some great charts and explanations of the 5 points.
I also looked at the FACT SHEET on the website. You can find it here:
According to the FACT SHEET, this budget acheives $1.8 trillion in deficit reduction. And it "is designed to bring Middle Class economics into the 21st century." If you take a few minutes to read through what the President is proposing, I wonder if you can find something you don't like. But, we know the Republicans can and will.
This is what happens when we have the lowest voter turnout in decades and Republicans take over control of both houses of Congress. Great Democratic, progressive ideas get stalled and middle class Americans pay a huge price.
According to the article, this budget if passed, would take from the rich, make big business pay, boost the middle class, stop worrying about deficits, and bankroll the Pentagon. It includes some great charts and explanations of the 5 points.
I also looked at the FACT SHEET on the website. You can find it here:
According to the FACT SHEET, this budget acheives $1.8 trillion in deficit reduction. And it "is designed to bring Middle Class economics into the 21st century." If you take a few minutes to read through what the President is proposing, I wonder if you can find something you don't like. But, we know the Republicans can and will.
This is what happens when we have the lowest voter turnout in decades and Republicans take over control of both houses of Congress. Great Democratic, progressive ideas get stalled and middle class Americans pay a huge price.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Secrets to Successful Social Media
Benjamin Corey Feinblum recently spoke
on Brass Knuckle Progressives Radio and after the show, he joined
Laurel Davila, James Finch and myself in a Google Plus Hangout.
During the hangout, Feinblum shared with us some of his “secrets of
Now, I am going to share a few with
viewers of the page. But first, I want you to find and follow him on
Facebook at
also his group on Facebook is:
on Twitter his is: @JoinTeamAmerica
First things first: Get a copy of
LISTENING by Andrew Wolvin and Carolyn Gwynn Coakley and carefully
read it, taking copious notes for future reference.
Next, Feinblum believes that
establishing and maintaining relationships with others in social
media is essential for success. If someone comments on your post, he
suggests responding to them in chat and getting to know them better.
He even keeps a spreadsheet so that he can remember the chats and the
interests, strengths, etc. of the person. As we build relationships,
we develop a base of support that we can tap into when we need them.
Good content is the secret to success
as well. People will not share garbage. They want good photo memes
and factual, reliable content. If you are developing content, be sure
to validate information by checking the original source, not just
referencing it from another source. The reason being that often
information is taken out of context and made to appear something that
it was not intended to be in the first place.
Last, but not least, consider debates
with others in social media as dialogues rather than win/lose
situations. Feinblum calls this Jujitsu dialogue. The goal is to help
the other win. (This is not for dealing with trolls.) By approaching
others this way, we can help them clarify their views and make
friends in the process.
If you like these points and want more,
then please watch the page
and if you are a registered Democrat,
consider joining the group:
If you'd like to hangout with us,
message Laurel M Davila:
We do the Google + hangouts on Sunday after the Brass Knuckle
Progressives radio show:
and on Wednesdays at 11 AM Pacific time.
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