In case you missed it, President Obama addressed the winter meeting of the Democratic National Committee on Friday in Washington D.C. If you want to hear them, try this link:
I love it when the President is able to list the economic successes we've had under his leadership and policies. I'm sure the Republicans cringe when he starts listing them.
Democrats and Republicans are on opposite poles in economic poilcy. The President pointed that out Friday. He couldn't keep from taunting Republicans a bit that all their predictions of doom and gloom had not panned out.
We know that Republican ideas of tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations and lessening regulations just don't work. Look at the states that have tried that strategy. It is an utter failure.
Democrats believe the way to grow the economy is to raise the minimum wage, help folks get healthcare affordably, and create jobs by rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure to name a few ideas.
President Obama encouraged Democrats to remember this as we are heading into the 2016 elections. I strongly encourage all Democrats running in 2016 to stand proudly with our President and his successes.
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