Wednesday, February 4, 2015


"Free of re-election concerns and constrained by a Republican congress that will try to block him at every turn, President Obama released an ambitious 2016 budget on Monday that's more about what he would do than what he can do." This is the lead into an article in BLOOMBERG NEWS published on Monday. The article is titled, "The 5 Big Asks in President Obama's Aspirational, Unpassable $4 Trillion Budget."

According to the article, this budget if passed, would take from the rich, make big business pay, boost the middle class, stop worrying about deficits, and bankroll the Pentagon. It includes some great charts and explanations of the 5 points.

I also looked at the FACT SHEET on the website. You can find it here:

According to the FACT SHEET, this budget acheives $1.8 trillion in deficit reduction. And it "is designed to bring Middle Class economics into the 21st century." If you take a few minutes to read through what the President is proposing, I wonder if you can find something you don't like. But, we know the Republicans can and will.

This is what happens when we have the lowest voter turnout in decades and Republicans take over control of both houses of Congress. Great Democratic, progressive ideas get stalled and middle class Americans pay a huge price.

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