Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Talk is Cheap

It is easy to sit at your computer and talk about getting out the vote. Here's a guy who decided to actually walk away from the computer and get involved politically at the local level.

Sitting around reading about politics may be a good thing. But, why not actually go out and do something.  Need some ideas?

Donate to a Democratic candidate
___ Knock on doors/canvass
___ Phone bank 
___ Talk to a voter
___ Register a new voter
___ Share a political post
___ Attend a meeting/rally/event
___ Write a letter-to-the-editor
___ Wear Democratic/progressive gear
___ Comment on a post or newspaper article 

Or, do like the DailyKos writer and run for election on your local Democratic Party Central Committee. Activism is where it's at. Get out there and do something!

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