Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Obama Derangement Syndrome

Do you know anyone who suffers from Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS) ? Many of us on the left have friends and family who have bad cases of ODS. ODS is an advanced case of paranoia related to anything to do with President Obama. Those suffering from ODS accuse him of just about anything terrible that is happening in the world today. A few prime examples can be seen here:   http://firebrandprogressives.org/the-20-worst-cases-of-obama-derangement-syndrome-on-wheels-in-america-images/

There is a cure for ODS. It's call reason. We must help our friends learn to use their brains to root out the innate racist messages implanted their. We must help them learn critical thinking skills so they can recognize the code words and dog whistles that right wing media use to keep their ODS inflamed. One blog writer gives ODS sufferers hope by suggesting ways to discuss the condition with their doctors.  http://www.ruwhim.com/?p=41424

But, seriously, we know where ODS comes from. Folks on the right just don't care much that a Black man is in charge. Confront it and call it out. We may just be able to eradicate its nastiness in the name of fairness and justice.


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