Either you have student loan debt or you know someone who does. Middle class Americans cannot pay out of pocket for college tuition. Working class families have to rely on grants and student loans to help their children get a higher education.
Did you know the Federal government will make $127 Billion in PROFIT from student loan debt in the next 10 years? That figure is from the Congressional Budget office and reported in a recent Salon.com article. The article titled, "Give Student Loans the Finger", by Kyle Schmidlin pointed out the unfairness of the system that purports to be helping people get an education, but ends up saddling them with debt for decades. http://www.salon.com/2014/10/18/give_student_loans_the_finger_a_new_solution_to_a_massive_generational_outrage/
Democrats want to do something about the problem. See the platform for details: http://www.democrats.org/democratic-national-platform If we have Democrats in charge, we may see some relief for middle class and working class families.
Just this summer there was an effort to try to fix some of the problems with student loan debt. Elizabeth Warren had a plan that would allow borrowers to refinance their current loans to a lower rate. You can read more about Warren's plan here: http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/06/republicans-filibustered-elizabeth-warren-bill-student-loans
The GOP killed this plan with 56-38 vote. So even though the majority favored the bill, the GOP filibuster kept it from going forward to an up or down vote. This is even more reason to work to get Democrats to the polls on November 4th. Two weeks is all we have. If Democrats vote, we can turn this around.
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