What if your company owned a newspaper? What if you sold it and it promised not to do any political endorsements? What if you decided to run for governor and the paper published an article about you bullying an employee? What if you threw a fit? and What if that paper then endorsed you in your run for governor?
Well, it all happened the other day here in Illinois. http://www.chicagonow.com/kelly-truth-squad/2014/10/storm-brewing-over-chicago-sun-times-sudden-endorsement-of-its-owner-bruce-rauner/
In the fallout from this tawdry mess is the sad resignation of a great journalist. Dave McKinney had been with the paper for two decades. He'd followed all the rules of journalism with integrity. He tells why he chose to leave here: http://davemckinney123.wordpress.com/2014/10/22/why-i-left/
And the worse thing of all is that Bruce Rauner may still win! According to another Chicago pager, the governor's race is in a dead heat. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-illinois-governor-race-met-1023-20141022-story.html#page=1
This is unfortunate, but indicative of the influence that money has on elections. I know Pat Quinn. When he was Lieutenant Governor, he came to my town and presented an award for work done to prevent a coal mine from strip mining land between our village and a state wildlife park. He is a decent man who cares about the people of Illinois. I can only hope that other Democrats will do like I've already done and vote for Pat Quinn.
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