Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Blame Game

You all know the blame game, right? You play it when you don't want to take responsibility. You look around for excuses and someone you can blame. Republicans accuse Democrats of this and vice versa. Progressives get mad at the President because he doesn't fulfill all his campaign promises. Rather than accept what they know to be truth, they lay the blame at his feet as if he has a magic wand and can make it all happen. If you are an American citizen, you should know that the president signs legislation that he supports and thinks is good for the country. You also know that Congress has to pass it first. Yet, its easy to blame him when you don't get things done, forgetting that it is Congress that must act. The President proposes legislation, the Congress passes it, the President signs the ones he agrees with and vetoes the others.

When Americans gave the majority to Republicans in the House and elected enough Republicans to the Senate that over-riding a filibuster was almost impossible, they set up the current situation. And Americans are paying a heavy price for it. NOTHING is getting done and many are blaming the President.

One of my twitter friends, Milt Shook, wrote a blog post back in March. He explained the need for Americans to vote for Democrats in November. He told of how LBJ was able to get so much legislation passed by having a super majority in both houses of Congress. What will America do? Are you content with the status quo? Will you give up as the GOP and pundits want and just not vote at all? Each and every one of us can minimally vote this year for Democrats. And we can encourage others as well. If you need a little boost to get you going, please check out Milt's post here:

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