Friday, May 29, 2015

The Democratic Primary

Regardless of which candidate you favor, please let me caution you on bashing the other Democratic candidates. If you fall into this trap, you are just giving the GOP grist for the mill. The only way they can win the White House is to get Democrats to turn on each other.

Support your favorite candidate and tell everyone why you do, but don't go around social media bashing other Democrats! In the end, we must all come together and rally behind whichever candidate prevails. Then, we must work diligently to help folks get registered and meet whatever requirements the GOP throws in their path to the voting booth. #UniteForVictory

If we do this, we will win.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Game of War

Whack a mole is a weird game where a person has to be ready to bop a mole on the head whenever it pops up out of a hole. Amazingly, this is the concept behind our military-industrial complex driven war machine.

Only, it's not really a game. There are no prizes. And people die.

Right wing politicians tell us we must have adequate funds for the Pentagon/Defense budget or we will get attacked and not be ready. Really? The Pentagon has even tried to get Congress NOT to fund certain projects.

That was two years ago. Today, we are still looking at funding war machine equipment at increasingly higher levels than ever before. The Air Force is building stealth bombers that cost $2.2 BILLION each and have to be stored in special hangers in Missouri so they don't get wet!

We toss around the term - military industrial complex, but, what does it really mean?  According to Wikipedia:
  1. The militaryindustrial complex, or militaryindustrial–congressional complex, comprises the policy and monetary relationships which exist between legislators, national armed forces, and the arms industry that supports them.
It's complex so it's hard to comprehend. "The term is sometimes used more broadly to include the entire network of contracts and flows of money and resources among individuals as well as corporations and institutions of the defense contractorsThe Pentagon, the Congress and executive branch." 

Unfortunately, the game of war has become a game of profit. And many American citizens owe their livelihood to this game.  This website:  tells the story of our war machine. You can track all the contracts being awarded to the MI complex contractors from the site. 

How do we curtail the war machine when so many Americans are employed to produce their products?
What effect would it have on our economy? These are important questions for our future. Will we continue on this path of permanent war in order to justify these expenditures? 

I ran across this article by Bill Quigley in Huffington Post last Monday, "Praying For Peace While Waging Permanent War": 

Quigley suggests five things he thinks we must do as a nation to turn this around: (My paraphrasing)
1. Learn the facts and face the truth that we are biggest war maker in the world.
2. Challenge all who would take us into war.
3. Admit our wrongs.
4. Withdraw our military, downsize our military, disarm our nuclear weapons, stick to just defense.
5. Work for peaceful solutions to conflict. 
Maybe you don't agree. That's okay. But, a good place to start thinking about solutions is to visit the National Priorities Project website and at least start a conversation.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

CEO Compensation

When I heard that Caterpillar CEO Doug Oberhelman's compensation package was $17.1 million last year, I was outraged.

It turns out that he was the "poor little rich boy" compared to big Pharma. Johnson & Johnson CEO's comp was $25 million.  It seems that healthcare is raking in the big bucks, "About 150 healthcare executives ‒ across 30 different companies (most publicly traded) ‒ took home about $960 million in annual compensation." 

With all this money at stake, we can see why we don't have universal healthcare. Money in our world equals power and they have the power to retain their positions of control over healthcare and our lives. 

According to a study released by Physicians for a National Healthcare, $375 billion dollars is wasted annually on billing and health related paperwork. 

We need a single payer system. We must demand and elect representatives who will work to this goal. We can also support non-profits such as Physicians for a National Health Program.

This link explains single payer/Medicare for All and tells ways to get involved in changing our current system.

I hope the chart motivates you to get involved to change this corrupt system.

Monday, May 25, 2015

A Letter from The President

I recently wrote to Barack Obama from the website.  Today, I will share my letter with you:

The White House, Washington
Dear Patricia:
Thank you for writing. My Administration is pursuing a trade agenda that will place our workers, farmers, manufacturers, and businesses at the center of the 21st-century global economy—one that promotes both our interests and our values. Trade done right is a critical part of my strategy to create jobs, spur growth, and strengthen the middle class.
With 95 percent of the world’s customers living outside our borders, our ability to access new markets is vital to our economic well-being. The export of American-made products supports millions of jobs here at home that pay up to 18 percent more than non-export-related jobs. And, 98 percent of the more than 300,000 companies that export are small businesses. However, even though more American businesses are exporting than ever before, most businesses still don’t export anything—leaving an incredible amount of opportunity that can be unlocked for our middle class. To take advantage of that opportunity and level the playing field for our workers and businesses, we’re moving forward with the most ambitious trade agenda in American history, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
In the Asia-Pacific region, the Trans-Pacific Partnership will knock down barriers that block American made goods and services while promoting high standards in the fastest-growing region in the world, including the strongest enforceable labor and environmental provisions of any trade agreement.
To protect our workers, the trade agreement will require countries to set a minimum wage, protect the freedom to form unions and collectively bargain, and work to end child and forced labor. To preserve the environment, it will require countries to take tangible steps to curb wildlife trafficking, crack down on illegal logging, and prevent overfishing. That’s why conservation organizations like the World Wildlife Fund and The Nature Conservancy agree that the enforceable provisions in the Trans-Pacific Partnership are a critical step forward for environmental protection.
Some prior trade agreements, like the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, have not lived up to their promise. The Trans-Pacific Partnership addresses these problems through strong enforcement mechanisms, including for the labor and environmental standards. This means that if our trading partners, including Canada and Mexico, aren’t playing by the rules, we can hold them accountable. The agreement also includes new rules that make sure our businesses and property owners are protected from having property taken by foreign countries, while making sure that foreign corporations can’t undermine or get around our own laws and regulations. Because we know that unfair currency practices by some governments hurt our workers, businesses, and farmers, we are working with Congress on new tools and standards that will make it easier for us to protect American workers and firms from unfair competition.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is also America’s opportunity to lead in the Asia-Pacific. The alternative to this agreement is to let other powers, like China, carve up the region and drive down standards through bad trade agreements. We cannot stay on the sidelines while China and other countries write the rules of the road. We have to seize this opportunity to help American workers and businesses compete on a level playing field in the world’s largest markets in the decades to come.
To help us secure the benefits of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, we are working with Congress to enact Trade Promotion Authority, which allows Congress to put forward its priorities for negotiating trade agreements. The new version of Trade Promotion Authority Congress is considering guarantees that future trade agreements, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership, will have progressive, pro-worker, and pro-environment standards. This gives us the leverage to bring home the best possible agreements for the American people.
The new Trade Promotion Authority mandates unprecedented transparency by requiring that any trade agreement be published online for 60 days before I sign it, and Congress will then have months to review, debate, and hold hearings on the details of the agreement before they vote on it. And while we have not yet finalized the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the current agreement is available for all members of Congress to read and review, and we have conducted over 1700 regular briefings with members of Congress on the status of the negotiations and have provided full similar briefings for labor groups, environmental groups, and other interested parties.
With a highly educated workforce, an entrepreneurial culture, strong rule of law, and abundant sources of affordable, clean energy, the United States has what’s required to be the world’s manufacturing hub. My Administration is working every day to help businesses locate, grow, and hire here so that our businesses ship goods all over the world stamped with "Made in the U.S.A." The good news is that this is already beginning to happen—over the last few years, our manufacturers have been steadily creating jobs in the U.S. for the first time since the 1990s. Good trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership will continue that trend and ensure that jobs are not outsourced, but rather are created here at home. We will continue to push forward on these efforts because we know that when the playing field is level, American workers and businesses don’t just compete, they win.
Again, I appreciate your message. I am confident we can support job growth at home and boost exports while promoting our values and raising standards around the globe.
Barack Obama

If anyone wants more clarity, I would encourage them to sign up for a Tuesday, May 26 conference call. It's at 8:00 PM ET You need to register here: 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

TPA, TAA, TPP and Me

I've previously written twice about Fast Track Authority. The first time was back in November when I explained exactly what it is  Fast Track or TPA gives the president the ability to negotiate trade deals without constant amending by Congress. The November post gives a history of Fast Track if you are interested.

The TPA that the Senate passed Friday is different as noted in my most recent post on the subject: Also, if passed by the House of Representatives as amended by the Senate, this TPA will only be in effect until July 1,

So, what is TAA? It stands for Trade Adjustment Assistance. This is a Federal program that provides assistance for workers who are displaced by free trade agreements. According to a Salon article that I will link, Democrats favor TAA and Republicans are against it, saying it doesn't actually help workers. (Like Republicans would know what helps workers!)  On Friday, the Senate delayed action on TAA so they could get to other matters before the Memorial Day vacation. The Salon article does expose the extent to which opposition to the TPP will go to try to influence the public against this trade deal.

Now, the TPP or Trans Pacific Partnership, has staunch supporters and avid haters. I happen to be in the staunch supporter category now. Back in November when I previously wrote about TPP, I was reserving judgment. Since that time, I've learned so much about the trade deal. I've sat in on an Organizing for Action conference call and plan to do so again next Tuesday. (If you are interested in participating, go here: )

I've also read scads of information about TPP and the parameters set by our Congress for this trade deal.

This first criticism I ever hear about TPP is in regards to secrecy. This is ridiculous! Whoever uses that argument is pandering. Imagine any negotiation being done in public! Would a union do that? Never. No one discusses a deal that has not been finalized. Once all sides reach agreement, then the deal is publicized and voted on. It will be the same with TPP.

I urge the reader to be skeptical of those who throw around dangerous rhetoric trying to get you to distrust our government and our president. Question their motives. I do, especially when they also send me fund raising emails telling me half-truths and outright lies about TPP.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Folks on the Left have always been accused of arrogance by the Righties. If we dare to question their take on anything, we are charged with arrogance. Just this week Jeb Bush said we were arrogant about climate change. Back when his brother tried to sell us a fake war rationale, we were arrogant and even unpatriotic for daring to question his "facts". via @Salon

Webster defines arrogance as: "an insulting way of thinking or behaving that comes from believing that you are better, smarter, or more important than other people"

It sure seems to me that the folks on the right also have a tendency to display arrogance if anyone dares to question their take on any issue, but especially the climate change issue. What do you think? Is it arrogant to believe that humans can affect our climate?

I agree with Steve Benen, who wrote, "What’s actually arrogant is the belief that confused politicians can ignore a scientific consensus on a global crisis."

So, are we arrogant for thinking the climate change deniers are Neanderthals?

Let's make sure that climate change is one of the debate topics. Let's grill them until they are well done!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Greatest Country in the World

The Republican politicians often say that America is the greatest country in the world. American exceptionalism is another term that is often used. Exactly what do they mean? Are we truly exceptional? Are we unique unto ourselves? Are we so great that no other country in the entire world can compare? What do you think?

There is one area where we outrank all other countries. Can you guess what it is? It's not something we should be bragging about, though.

United States Is Now the Most Unequal of All Advanced Economies

That's where we are exceptional! Sickening isn't it? The economic inequality is the sharpest in the good old USA.

We hear the voices on the Right claiming that people can rise from poverty on their own merits if they just work hard enough. Senator Marco Rubio says that America has “never been a nation of haves and have-nots. We are a nation of haves and soon-to-haves, of people who have made it and people who will make it.”

Horatio Alger told many rags to riches stories that captured the American spirit. But, sadly, those stories are rare today.  When politicians place undue emphasis on individuals pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps, they ignore the economic conditions that perpetuate this inequality. These are the essential determinants of success: inheritance, social connections, and structural discrimination. These realities are challenging for anyone to overcome. 

Before anything of substance can change, we have to accept the economic reality before us. Most people don't want to be poor and live off welfare. Most people want a job. Helping people get off welfare and get a decent job will only help our economy grow. And most of all, trickle down is a failed economic theory. 

The American Dream has become the American Nightmare for many. Wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few while the rest struggle to make a living. Can we summon the fortitude to rethink the American Dream? My dream is not that everyone of us becomes a millionaire. 

My dream is that everyone has equal opportunity to get a good education, find a good paying job, live in a decent neighborhood, and enjoy quality healthcare and the fruits of their labors. This is doable. But, first we must accept the extent of our exceptionalism in the economic inequality area and find the will to make the necessary changes. This article, written in 2009, tells an interesting tale of the evolution of the American Dream:

Let's rethink it and then work to make it available to all. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Person of Good Character

I don't know about you, but, I want my president to be a person of good character. What exactly does that mean?  I once saw a definition of character that said it is how you act when you think no one is looking. We all know what happened to Mitt Romney when he thought we weren't listening and he could speak candidly to his donor base!

Look at the way the GOP candidates have handled the Iraq question. Knowing what we do now, would you have gone to war in Iraq? Super easy question. Hell NO! But, can any of them come up with a simple answer? They twist and turn the words or avoid the question entirely by saying it isn't appropriate to even ask it!  Not my idea of good character.

Jeb Bush, when confronted by college student that his brother caused ISIS, told a lie about Barack Obama. He said President Obama could have kept residual force of 10,000 in Iraq. Politifact rated his statement false and explained why.

One of my favorite sayings is: People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.

I want a president whose words mean something. To me that is a sign of good character. It's okay if a person changes their mind about something though. We've seen how America as a whole has changed how we view the LGBT community and marriage equality issue. I don't mind a politician who can evolve along with the country. Do you?

I just want a president whose words mean something about what they truly believe. We don't need more politicians who are afraid to say what they believe for fear they might offend some mega donor. I personally like it when a politician changes their mind about an issue and takes the time to give a rationale for that change. I can admire such a person.

So, this election season, let's look for persons of good character to support and elect.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Moral Consensus

On Tuesday, President Obama participated in a summit on Overcoming Poverty at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. E.J.Dionne was the moderator and other participants were Arthur Brooks of the conservative American Enterprise Institute and Harvard University professor Robert Putnam. "The forum produced rare cross-ideological agreement, at least on the fact that eradicating poverty must be a national priority."

Here is another link to the event:

Here is a transcript from the event:

Significantly, Arthur Brooks, who previously talked of "Makers and Takers", had this to say:  "That’s why I'm in this particular movement.  But we’ve gotten into a partisan moment where we substitute a moral consensus about how we serve the least of these, our brothers and sisters, where we pretend that that moral consensus is impossible,+++++++ and we blow up policy differences until they become a holy war.  That’s got to stop because it's completely unnecessary." 

He went on to discuss key principles he thinks we need to overcome poverty. I found his remarks to be very profound about how we chose to view those people who are caught  up in the poverty cycle. I will share a snippet here and you can go to the link to read the rest.  

He said:  "When you talk about people as your brothers and sisters you don’t talk about them as liabilities to manage.  They’re not liabilities to manage.  They’re assets to develop because every one of us made in God’s image is an asset to develop.  That’s a completely different approach to poverty alleviation.  That’s a human capital approach to poverty alleviation.  That’s what we can do to stimulate that conversation on the political right, just as it can be on the political left."

The President also had some very profound remarks on the topic of overcoming poverty. He talked of how racial segregation has been replaced by economic segregation. He said, "Now, that creates its own politics.  Right?  I mean, there’s some communities where I don’t know -- not only do I not know poor people, I don’t even know people who have trouble paying the bills at the end of the month.  I just don’t know those people.   And so there’s a less sense of investment in those children.  So that’s part of what’s happened." 

I would encourage the reader to click on the link above which has the entire transcript from the event. We can address poverty both at the Federal level and within our faith communities. Together we can help people. We need policies, laws, and money to overcome poverty, but, most of all we need the will to do it. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Obama Defeat - Think Again

If you think yesterday's vote in the Senate on FTA was a defeat for President Obama, think again. Senator Ron Wyden explained the reason for Democrats blocking the bill. He told supporters that Republican leadership omitted key provisions that had been negotiated in the bill to protect American workers. The bipartisan bill had included enforcement provisions. But, McConnell would not allow them. So, Democrats held firm and refused to even debate this weakened bill. So, it seems that the headlines should read that Democrats defeated McConnell. Stay tuned. This isn't over yet.

Democrats have already proposed a way to bridge the divide. According to an article in The Wall Street Journal, "The president sat down with a group of Senate Democrats to discuss a path forward for the bill—a meeting that included Democratic senators who have voiced support for advancing the fast-track measure, also known as trade promotion authority, an administration official said.

This article explains the machinations that often go on behind the scenes. We need to investigate and not easily get duped by the headlines! 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Fast Track Trade Authority

Back in November, I wrote about Fast Track Authority (FTA).  See link:

Since that time, a bipartisan agreement has been reached in the Senate to give President Obama this authority. What does it mean? According to the NY Times article reporting the agreement this past month, it means a lot! It changes the past type of FTA into an new version. Specifically, this FTA,"would make any final trade agreement open to public comment for 60 days before the president signs it, and up to four months before Congress votes. If the agreement, negotiated by the United States trade representative, fails to meet the objectives laid out by Congress — on labor, environmental and human rights standards — a 60-vote majority in the Senate could shut off “fast-track” trade rules and open the deal to amendment."

Congress has set negotiating parameters at the beginning of negotiations and this FTA gives them the final ability to halt the process. “We got assurances that U.S.T.R. and the president will be negotiating within the parameters defined by Congress,” said Representative Dave Reichert, Republican of Washington and a senior member of the Ways and Means Committee. “And if those parameters are somehow or in some way violated during the negotiations, if we get a product that’s not adhering to the T.P.A. agreement, than we have switches where we can cut it off.”

So, you see this FTA is not like past ones and gives Congress much more leeway in working with the President and the US Trade Representative to get a final deal that is in the best interests of the country. 

I caution the reader to be wary of all the information out right now on FTA and the Trans Pacific Partnership. Go to the source: 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Democrats Unite

‪#‎Democrats‬ ‪#‎LibLgr‬ 
I wonder why we don't band together like the other side does? We argue about issues and lose our focus on winning elections. Meanwhile, the ALEC/KOCH agenda is pressing forward at the state, local, and National levels. They know that we can be divided and they purposely use various issues to do it. That's how they win! With so many vital Democratic concerns at risk, from Social Security to the Supreme Court, can we, will we ‪#‎UniteForVictory‬?

Friday, May 8, 2015

Cutting Poverty and Growing the Middle Class

Which party do you think has real solutions to cut poverty and grow the middle class? We know the Republican plan is to cut taxes on businesses and upper income individuals. They want to privatize many of our social programs and our public education. They also promote cutting any regulations on corporations so they are freer to funnel whatever resources we have to their profit margins.

On the other side of the political spectrum we have the Democrats. Here are some of their ideas for cutting poverty and growing the middle class:  create jobs, raise the minimum wage, increase earned income tax credit for childless workers, support pay equity, provide paid sick leave and paid sick days, establish flexible work schedules, invest in high-quality, affordable childcare and early education, expand Medicaid, reform the criminal justice system and enact policies that support successful reentry, and finally, do no harm in setting spending cuts that harm the economy. These are progressive ideas that Democrats embrace.

"There is nothing inevitable about poverty. We just need to build the political will to enact the policies that will increase economic security, expand opportunities, and grow the middle class."

We must elect Democrats if we hold any hope to change the status quo. Read more on this topic at:

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Why Ask Why?

Many political pundits have tried to figure out why people often vote in ways that go against their own best interests. One article I found quoted a Kentucky woman who was thrilled with her coverage under Obamacare yet still planned to vote for Mitch McConnell who was determined to destroy it. When asked why she said, "Born and raised Republican. I ain't planning on changing now." 
Now, how does one counter such a remark?  I shake my head in disbelief!

Dave Zweifel, the writer of the Common Dreams article, goes on to say, "Hers is not an unusual story. Citizens tend to get caught up in everything from family traditions to believing blatantly misleading 30-second TV ads, leading them to vote in favor of candidates who are opposed to their own interests." Zweifel contends that people just don't or won't pay attention to what candidates actually believe.  

So, if we're going to change things around, then we have to get the voters' attention! 

James Carville in an opinion piece in The Hill last December, wrote, "During my time as a political strategist, one of the most vexing problems was figuring out why so many people vote against their perceived interests." He points out how so many stock brokers consistently vote Republican when it is under Democratic presidents like Clinton and Obama that the market sees strength. It just does not make anymore sense than the Kentucky lady voting for McConnell.

So, we must ask how it is that Republicans get voters to vote against their own self interests? And we have to keep answering that question until we find out.  This writer who chooses to remain Anonymous says, "The Republican party and the pundits who support them, use an agenda of fear, channeling the ways of former Republican senator from Wisconsin, Joseph McCarthy....(they) push the fear of gays, Muslims, atheists and others who aren't evangelical Christians onto conservatives voters, using those fears to bypass many economic issues that could normally work against them.",13381954  If this is the case, then we must find ways to dispel the fears. 

In regard to women's issues, one wonders how any woman can support the Republican party, yet, many thoughtful, educated women still do.  Gerry Meyers last year in a Huffington Post Politics piece pondered this issue. She said, "Gerrymandering, suppressing the vote, allowing unrestricted funds and unlimited terms have led to undemocratic practices which will destroy America if voters don't stand up and fight for what is right.

So, it seems we must fight against gerrymandering, voter suppression, and campaign finance reform if we are going to change things for the good of our country. 

Last November was a mid-term election which Democrats have historically been prone to avoid. But, it was pretty sad that only 1/3 of the eligible voters even bothered to vote. By not voting, those Democrats ended up giving Congress over to Republican majorities. So, it seems we must also address voter apathy. How do we even get them to the polls? One writer suggested that we make elections more like the lottery. Seriously, it's called the Mega Millions Solution! I am not making this up! 

Whenever Apple releases a new product, we see people camping out for days to get a place in the line to purchase the latest device. But, when it comes to voting, no one feels inclined to inconvenience themselves. An idea that I like is to offer everyone who votes an income tax break. Would that be incentive enough? Maybe to the folks who file taxes it would help with motivation.

As with any other issue facing our country, this one is also multifaceted and complex. There isn't one simple solution. We have our work cut out for us. Will we rise to the challenge? I sure hope so because the thought of Republicans controlling all three branches of government scares me into action!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Is it True?

Is it true what some "Evangelicals" say? They say that Jesus said we'll always have the poor and they use that quote out of context to suggest that he wouldn't want us helping them too much. Paul Ryan has even suggested that we create a class of "takers" with our social programs. Well, I'm not buying what they are selling.

This article from Pathos explains how Ryan and other "Evangelicals" get it wrong about what Jesus really had to say about the poor.

The author, Fred Clark, explains that Jesus was citing from the Torah, which was the Holy Word of Jesus' times.  He was referring to Deuteronomy 15: 4-5 which reads, "However, there need be no poor people among you, for in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you, if only you fully obey the Lord your God and are careful to follow all these commands I am giving you today." So, you see, Jesus was saying there need be no poor if only folks will follow His commands. 

A careful and thoughtful reading of the Pathos article will show how far the "Evangelicals" are from actually following what Jesus told them to do. If you read the whole message from Deuteronomy 15: 1-15 that Jesus was citing, you'll see just how far!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Freedom of Speech

When I was in graduate school, I was given the topic, "Freedom of Speech" for one of my papers. Wow! Was that ever an eye-opener! But, I did end up a card carrying member of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) as a result.

Last night's shooting at an event in Texas got me thinking again about the subject. One of my Facebook friends brought up the great speech from The American President.  Do you remember? Here it is: "We have serious problems to solve and we need serious people to solve them"

Regarding free speech, "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country can't just be a flag; the symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the "land of the free."

The Texas event was a Pam Geller sponsored event offering a $10K prize for best cartoon including the Prophet Mohammed. It was billed as a 'Free Speech" event. One wonders if they would have felt the same way if an atheist group had sponsored an event offering cash prizes for cartoons that presented the Christian religion in unfavorable ways? Remember the controversy over the artist who had the Crucifix submerged in a bottle of urine? Seems the Christian community didn't care much for Andres Serrano's "Piss Christ". So much for "Free Speech" when it conflicts with YOUR beliefs.

Yet, there are limits to Freedom of Speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment to our Constitution.
The US Supreme Court has established those limits. In a recent article in The Atlantic, Kent Greenfield takes exception to the idea that free speech should rarely be restricted. This was in reference to the University of Oklahoma frat boys chant that gained so much media attention in March of this year. Greenfield holds that it is entirely reasonable to restrict some forms of speech.

So, where do you stand on the issue? If you want to get your ACLU card, please go to this link and apply:

Saturday, May 2, 2015

A Day for Immigrants

The first Saturday in May is Kentucky Derby Day. Today it was a day for immigrants. American Pharoah won the 141st Derby. Egyptian immigrant and naturalized citizen Ahmed Zayat is the owner. The jockey was Victor Espinosa who came to America from his native Mexico to attend jockey school. Espinosa has won back to back victories in the Derby. He was the 11th of 12 children. As an aside, he donates 10% of his winnings to City of Hope to support pediatric cancer research.

Zayat was born in Cairo, Egypt and moved to the US at the age of 18. He got a Master's degree in public health and business from Boston University.

Both are American success stories and reasons why we need #ImmigrationReform

I hope all the Right Wingers who wanted Far Right to win are taking notice!

Friday, May 1, 2015

May Day

May Day (May 1st) is International Worker's Day. Around the world, it's called Labour Day. This celebration of workers has it's origin in the Haymarket Massacre. You can read about this Illinois event which influenced the labor movement here and worldwide at this link:

The event is mentioned in our American History textbooks but often the portrayal is far from accurate, according to the Illinois Labor History Society. On May 1, 1886 it is reported that approximately 80,000 workers marched up Michigan Avenue. The solidarity of the union workers must have shocked their employers! I hope you'll take a few minutes to read about what happened to call it a massacre. In short, a May 4th rally was nearly over when someone threw a dynamite bomb, and the police panicked and attacked those remaining, including their own men! The next day martial law was declared throughout the nation!

Have you seen the Google Doodle that celebrates workers today?

How will you celebrate workers today?