I've previously written twice about Fast Track Authority. The first time was back in November when I explained exactly what it is http://pageposts1123.blogspot.com/2014/11/what-is-fast-tracktrade-promotion.html Fast Track or TPA gives the president the ability to negotiate trade deals without constant amending by Congress. The November post gives a history of Fast Track if you are interested.
The TPA that the Senate passed Friday is different as noted in my most recent post on the subject:
http://pageposts1123.blogspot.com/2015/05/fast-track-trade-authority.html Also, if passed by the House of Representatives as amended by the Senate, this TPA will only be in effect until July 1,
So, what is TAA? It stands for Trade Adjustment Assistance. This is a Federal program that provides assistance for workers who are displaced by free trade agreements. According to a Salon article that I will link, Democrats favor TAA and Republicans are against it, saying it doesn't actually help workers. (Like Republicans would know what helps workers!)
http://www.salon.com/2015/05/19/another_trans_pacific_partnership_lie_exposed_how_medicare_is_getting_stiffed_in_obamas_massive_trade_deal/ On Friday, the Senate delayed action on TAA so they could get to other matters before the Memorial Day vacation. The Salon article does expose the extent to which opposition to the TPP will go to try to influence the public against this trade deal.
Now, the TPP or Trans Pacific Partnership, has staunch supporters and avid haters. I happen to be in the staunch supporter category now. Back in November when I previously wrote about TPP, I was reserving judgment. http://pageposts1123.blogspot.com/2014/11/what-is-trans-pacific-partnership.html Since that time, I've learned so much about the trade deal. I've sat in on an Organizing for Action conference call and plan to do so again next Tuesday. (If you are interested in participating, go here: http://myaccount.maestroconference.com/conference/register/R8QZYMSGHXSVI85E )
I've also read scads of information about TPP and the parameters set by our Congress for this trade deal. USTR.gov/TPP
This first criticism I ever hear about TPP is in regards to secrecy. This is ridiculous! Whoever uses that argument is pandering. Imagine any negotiation being done in public! Would a union do that? Never. No one discusses a deal that has not been finalized. Once all sides reach agreement, then the deal is publicized and voted on. It will be the same with TPP.
I urge the reader to be skeptical of those who throw around dangerous rhetoric trying to get you to distrust our government and our president. Question their motives. I do, especially when they also send me fund raising emails telling me half-truths and outright lies about TPP.
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