Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Person of Good Character

I don't know about you, but, I want my president to be a person of good character. What exactly does that mean?  I once saw a definition of character that said it is how you act when you think no one is looking. We all know what happened to Mitt Romney when he thought we weren't listening and he could speak candidly to his donor base!

Look at the way the GOP candidates have handled the Iraq question. Knowing what we do now, would you have gone to war in Iraq? Super easy question. Hell NO! But, can any of them come up with a simple answer? They twist and turn the words or avoid the question entirely by saying it isn't appropriate to even ask it!  Not my idea of good character.

Jeb Bush, when confronted by college student that his brother caused ISIS, told a lie about Barack Obama. He said President Obama could have kept residual force of 10,000 in Iraq. Politifact rated his statement false and explained why. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/may/18/jeb-bush/obama-refused-sign-plan-place-leave-10000-troops-i/

One of my favorite sayings is: People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.

I want a president whose words mean something. To me that is a sign of good character. It's okay if a person changes their mind about something though. We've seen how America as a whole has changed how we view the LGBT community and marriage equality issue. I don't mind a politician who can evolve along with the country. Do you?

I just want a president whose words mean something about what they truly believe. We don't need more politicians who are afraid to say what they believe for fear they might offend some mega donor. I personally like it when a politician changes their mind about an issue and takes the time to give a rationale for that change. I can admire such a person.

So, this election season, let's look for persons of good character to support and elect.

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