Friday, May 8, 2015

Cutting Poverty and Growing the Middle Class

Which party do you think has real solutions to cut poverty and grow the middle class? We know the Republican plan is to cut taxes on businesses and upper income individuals. They want to privatize many of our social programs and our public education. They also promote cutting any regulations on corporations so they are freer to funnel whatever resources we have to their profit margins.

On the other side of the political spectrum we have the Democrats. Here are some of their ideas for cutting poverty and growing the middle class:  create jobs, raise the minimum wage, increase earned income tax credit for childless workers, support pay equity, provide paid sick leave and paid sick days, establish flexible work schedules, invest in high-quality, affordable childcare and early education, expand Medicaid, reform the criminal justice system and enact policies that support successful reentry, and finally, do no harm in setting spending cuts that harm the economy. These are progressive ideas that Democrats embrace.

"There is nothing inevitable about poverty. We just need to build the political will to enact the policies that will increase economic security, expand opportunities, and grow the middle class."

We must elect Democrats if we hold any hope to change the status quo. Read more on this topic at:

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