Thursday, July 9, 2015

A New Day in South Carolina

A symbol of racism and hate is coming down. It's a new day. It took an act of terrorism to get it done. Early this morning the South Carolina House of Representatives voted to send a clean bill back to Senate and Governor Haley will sign the bill calling for the removal of the Confederate flag from the Statehouse grounds. Listen to the impassioned speech given by Rep. Jenny Horne asking her collegues to do the right thing. By the way, Horne is a white Republican who is a descendant of Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy!

This speech should be required viewing for anyone trying to make the case that the flag represents some type of noble heritage.

Now, that the flag is coming down, we must attend to fighting racism and injustice because they aren't going away. Let the removal of the flag become a call to action for all who care to fight for social justice and an end to racism. Fighting for civil rights is a constant fight. The Southern Poverty Law Center has many ways you can help. Check it out here:

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