Monday, July 6, 2015

Twisted Thinking

In his statement from the Pentagon today, President Obama used the term, "twisted thinking" in reference to ISIL and their contortions of Islam. In pondering his meaning, I think we have our own groups right here in America that use "twisted thinking" in their contortions of the message of Christianity.

"Twisted thinking" seems to be a pervasive problem that greatly impacts our ability to attack many of the issues that confront our domestic tranquility. Isn't it "twisted thinking" when some think it makes sense for CEO's to make millions; but workers don't need more money or adequate healthcare benefits?

Isn't it "twisted thinking" that blames the victims of a church massacre for their own deaths because they weren't armed? "Twisted thinking" says our violence problem will only improve if we have more guns everywhere.

Isn't it "twisted thinking" to say we don't have racism when folks who can afford it move out of our cities, enroll their children in private schools, and isolate themselves in private clubs that only wealthy folks can afford?

I contend that "twisted thinking" gets in the way of real problem solving.  Can we do better? Yes! We need clear thinking and logical problem solving. If you were never taught problem solving, it's not too late. Check out this source for training: Then, form a local group or join one to attack some of the issues that are impacting people in your area. Together, we can defeat "Twisted Thinking" at every level.

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