Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Taking Back The Senate

Aside from winning the Presidency in 2016, Democrats' major task is to take back the Senate from Republican control. We really do have a good chance of doing this. Here's why:  First, Democrats have fewer seats to defend with only 10 versus Republicans 24. Second, Republicans will be defending seats in seven states that President Obama won in 2012. We only need to win four to take back the Senate. And, finally, 2016 electorate will skew Democratic with a strong Democratic candidate at the head of the ticket!

Two great sites to be watching this election cycle (or any cycle actually) are Cooks and Sabato. You can read about the Cook Political Report here:
And Sabato's Crystal Ball here:
Ballotpedia is my personal favorite source for up to date information on candidate, races, and ballot measures.,_2016  At the end of each Ballotpedia article are links to current articles about the election.

I will be writing more about specific candidates and offering suggestions on how you can help them.
Let's make this happen!

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