Today our president, Barack Obama, gave a powerful eulogy at the funeral of Rev. Clementa Pinckney. He told the story of Pinckney's life like he always tells the stories, with grace, eloquence, and dignity. He reminded Americans of the challenges ahead of us as we face the racism and hatred that plagues our society. He asked us not to fall into a "Comfortable Silence". He reminded us how racism and easy access to a gun took the lives of nine people having a prayer meeting in a historic AME church in Charleston, SC. He also reminded us of how we stirred when another person used a gun to take the lives of innocent first graders in Newtown. We asked for change; but were met by resistance.
Will you answer Barack Obama's call to action? Or will you fall back into a comfortable silence? Everyday, in every way, we make our decisions of how we will spend our time and money. There's much you can do. Start here: Use it's resources to educate yourself about the hate groups pervading our country. Send them some money.
Here's another place: They have two mandates: eliminate racism and empower women. Do those ideals appeal to you? Then, send them money. Support your local YWCA.
There are literally hundreds of organizations working to improve life for ALL Americans. Pick one, sign up, use your time and money to make our world a better place. But, don't fall into a comfortable silence ever again.
ReplyDeleteI pray you will have eyes to see, and hears that hear: