Throughout history, great leaders have always been purveyors of hope. I believe that is why Barack Obama was able to become the first Black elected to the presidency. He came along at just the right time and told us to hope. But, more important than just words, he lead the way. His actions confirmed his words.
Now, we are at a crossroad in our history. Do we want to take the road that leads back to the past? Or do we want to step boldly into the future? Again, President Obama is telling and showing us the way forward. He changed his views on marriage equality and he is leading us to examine our core beliefs regarding many other issues from pay equity to race relations. He's challenged us to look at poverty, segregation by income rather than merely race. He's asked us just recently to look at how we view gun ownership and the ease by which individuals can obtain guns.
But, here's the deal. Great leaders can't do it alone. We must all become purveyors of hope, right where we are! How, you ask? I know you have all kinds of reasons why you can't. But, you can! You know you can. Everyone can do something!
Pick an issue dear to your heart. Give it some thought, do some research. Then, tell the world what you believe. #SpeakUP There are many ways to #SpeakUp for issues/causes that grip you. Here's just a few: get a button or bumper sticker and display it proudly; write a letter to the editor of your local paper; start a blog and share it with friends on Facebook. Find a group that also supports your cause and join up to volunteer your time and money.
If we all answer our president's call to action, everyday in our own ways, we can make this world a better place for everyone.
Well said and thank you Pat.