But, it soon became a menace. It took over my garden. I tried to cut it back and contain it. But, it was relentless! I determined that it had to die. But, I soon learned that killing it was easier said than done. I put weed killer on it, covered it with tarps and old rugs, and even piled lawn furniture on it in hopes of success. After the winter, I uncovered it. It was still alive. So I burned it.!
But, I wasn't finished yet. The root was still there and it would send out shoots to re-establish itself. So, I had to dig! And then, we hooked a chain around it and used our truck to uproot that plant!
Finally, I'd won. I raked and covered the area with weed prevention fabric and rocks and added containers all around. Now, I had a rock garden in place of the invasive plant.
Will you help? Here's an article to get you started: http://illinoistimes.com/article-14969-rooting-out-systemic-racism.html
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