Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Root Out and Replace

I had a plant in the corner of my garden. I put it there for a reason. It was to fill up an empty space. That's why I planted it. And for awhile it worked well.

But, it soon became a menace. It took over my garden. I tried to cut it back and contain it. But, it was relentless! I determined that it had to die. But, I soon learned that killing it was easier said than done. I put weed killer on it, covered it with tarps and old rugs, and even piled lawn furniture on it in hopes of success. After the winter, I uncovered it. It was still alive. So I burned it.!
But, I wasn't finished yet. The root was still there and it would send out shoots to re-establish itself. So, I had to dig! And then, we hooked a chain around it and used our truck to uproot that plant!

Finally, I'd won. I raked and covered the area with weed prevention fabric and rocks and added containers all around. Now, I had a rock garden in place of the invasive plant.

I'm telling you about this project because I think America must begin a similar one in confronting the pervasive and invasive racism that has grown up in our garden. It's roots go deep like the ones in my garden. We have our challenge ahead. But, if we persist and try whatever methods we need, we can get the job done.

Will you help? Here's an article to get you started:

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