Monday, June 22, 2015

No Apologies

If you are waiting for Barack Obama to say he's sorry he used the word "nigger" in his podcast with Marc Maron, you may have to wait a long time. He's not backing off from his comments and I support him. Occasionally, someone has to hit the proverbial nail on the head. That's what he did today and it's time we all #SpeakUP. We must take a hard look at the racism in our society. You can get the podcast here:

The Mean Progressive tells media to grow up. She lays out in video clips how RW/GOP speakers get a pass on their racist comments. I would encourage everyone to read her post and view the video clips. She charges (and I agree) that media is complicit in the " racism so pervasive in our society when you give a voice to the racist actors and do not either condemn them or ask your audience for reflection. "

Do you agree that racism is alive and thriving in our USA? Then,  let's #SpeakUP and do something positive to further the dialogue.

 Here's a place to start:  Charles J. Ogletree, Jr. , Obama's former law professor at Harvard is the founding member. This project is a way to share the stories of places striving to be inclusive:

There are many groups who are working for justice. We can erase the stigma of racism if we band together. 

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Pat, so true. If we get real, imo apartheid is an appropriate reflection. I am proud to speak against the treatment that is given.
