Friday, August 8, 2014

Bruce Braley for Senate in Iowa

The current senator, Tom Harkin, will retire this year and U.S.Congressman Bruce Braley is running on the Democratic ticket for the seat. He currently represents the 1st district in Iowa, having been elected to that seat in 2006. This is what the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has to say about the race: "Braley’s opponent, state Sen. Joni Ernst, is the Sarah Palin of Iowa who would bring more gridlock and dysfunction to Washington. When you peel back Ernst’s unusual ads, you find a rigid, ideological partisan with an agenda that is bought and paid for by outside special interests and out of step with Iowans.  Ernst supports privatizing Social Security, ending Medicare as we know it, denying reproductive choices even in cases of rape and incest, and eliminating the federal minimum wage. A recent Quinnipiac poll shows Braley leading Ernst 44-40 and holding a double digit lead with women. Braley raised over $1 million in the first quarter of 2014.

Braley spoke this week to a gathering of supporters at the Iowa State fair. The newspaper report was mostly positive. You can read it here:  As the article states, Braley points out the contract between his stance on issues and his opponent's which are mostly Tea Party approved.

You can find more information about Braley at Project Vote Smart:

and at :

Also, as usual, Ballotpedia has a great page of information about Braley:

If you'd like to volunteer to help with the Braley campaign, please go to his website for the latest information:   Want to help change the world? Start today. Help GOTV for Democrats for November.

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