Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What is a Google Hangout and How Can We Use It For Political Activism

The Progressive Democrats Moving Forward - Not Back group here on Facebook has been actively using the Google Hangout format for training people to become clicktavists. In case you missed it, #ICYMI, Laurel Davila previously did a post on clicktavism:

Many activists here on Facebook are very familiar with this social media platform. However, crossing over to Twitter or Google Plus is not something that makes them comfortable. Let's face it, we all like and enjoy what is familiar and we hate change. Yet, if we are to reach the widest audience with our message, we must learn new social media platforms. This is where the Google Hangout comes in.

So what exactly is a Google Hangout? Google launched the Hangout platform in May of 2013.Hangouts allows users to hold conversations between two or more users. Google has a very entertaining site that fully explains their Hangouts:

How do we use them for training purposes? Each Wednesday, Laurel Davila hosts a Hangout for members of our group and other invited Democrats. It begins at 11:00 AM PT and ends when it ends. Laurel trains new group members in how to use Twitter and Google Plus (G+) . Also, other group members can teach specific topics like:  how to use the Paint program to make a meme/adapt for your message.

In the Hangout, participants who have webcams can see and hear each other. It is great fun to meet "Face-to-Face" someone you've "friended" on Facebook or Followed on Twitter or Circled on G+. If a participant does not have a webcam, they can still participate only by audio, without the video component.

This week's Hangout will cover using the NGP-VAN to help a candidate who is not in our district but needs people to work on his campaign. I am sure we will all learn many new things and have fun at the same time.

For more on using Google Hangouts for training, see this:

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