Monday, August 4, 2014

The 2014 Senate Races

Many of the professional political writers have suggested that the Senate is a toss-up this year. 33 Senate seats are up for regular election and three more will be filled in special elections. All 36 elections will take place on November 4. The 2014 elections will be the 100th anniversary of direct elections for the Senate. Originally, Senators were selected by state legislatures. The ratification of the 17th amendment changed the process.

At this point, six senators have announced retirements and four have resigned early. This means that in January, there will be at least 10 new Senators. Several models of prediction have given the Republicans a strong chance of taking over the majority in the Senate. I hope you know what this means. If Republicans control both the Senate and the House of Representatives, they will most likely try to impeach President Obama. In addition, their agenda will systematically hand over much of our government to corporations. We know this because we have already seen it happening in states that have legislatures in GOP control.

There are less than 100 days until November 4. So what can we do to prevent this disaster? Republicans only need to pick up six seats that are currently held by Democrats to gain a majority. Of course, they also have to retain the ones they now hold. We can and indeed, must, work our butts off to stop them. First, make sure you are registered, then contact your local Democratic party and volunteer to work on a phone bank or help with canvassing neighborhoods. We can also write letters to the editor in support of Democratic candidates. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ( ) has an action center. You can go there and simply click on the links to take action.

You can learn more about individual Senatorial races and the candidates at that site. I will also be covering more of the races in this blog. Do NOT let the main stream media discourage you from taking action. If we all vote and do our part to encourage others to vote, we can prevent Republicans from gaining seats this year. #PDMFNB @PDMFNB

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