Thursday, April 23, 2015

Divide and Conquer

Democrats have to take a serious look at what is happening before we end up going home with our tails between our legs in November 2016.

If it isn't the #TPP, it will be something else. Maybe drone policy or something else around the corner will be the tool they use to keep us fighting each other instead of focusing on WINNING.

Do you want Democrats to win in 2016? I do. It's time to rally the troops and stop our infighting. The right is untied in one goal - winning the presidency and maintaining their majorities in congress.

Are we Democrats going to assist them in their goal of victory? Or will we change our focus to the single goal of WINNING? If we don't win, we can't achieve any of our objectives and we will be at the mercy of the victors. They will get to select the next justices for the Supreme Court. They will get to privatize Social Security, Medicare, education, and any other agency they choose. 


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