Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I Like Money

Today is #EqualPayDay and I am glad that I worked in education where I had a union to protect my right to equal pay. It has made all the difference in my retirement. But, there are still many women who don't have unions to ensure that they receive equal pay for their work. According to an article in CNN Money, nationwide women earn 78 cents for every dollar that a man earns. This effects the economy now and later when the woman faces retirement. The CNN Money article includes an interactive map that you can use to check out the level of inequality in your state.  Check it out.

In searching the #EqualPayDay hashtag on Twitter, I came across a website for women that is free and has interesting ideas for establishing what a woman's contribution to a job is worth. You enter some data and it generates tips that are tailored to your specific situation. Here is a link to the site:  https://getraised.com/

Democrats are committed to equal pay for women. If you are too, then please go to this link and sign up to help spread the word:  http://my.democrats.org/page/s/equal-pay-day-2015?source=em_20150412_dnc_misc&utm_medium=email&utm_source=dnc&utm_campaign=em_20150412_dnc_misc

We can make this a reality. For more resources see:   https://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/equal-pay/resources#top

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