Saturday, April 11, 2015


I love this photo of President Obama by Pete Souza.
The perfect shot to exemplify what many wanted to believe about him when he first ran for president. We wanted to believe he had magic in his fingertips. We wanted to believe that he could fix everything. We wanted to believe that he could, somehow, make all his campaign promises come true. Sadly, we learned that he is merely a human being and he has to work within a system that we helped create.

Many will accuse him of not getting more done while he had majorities in both houses of Congress during his first two years in office. What those accusers don't realize is that those majorities still didn't back his entire agenda and that the Senate was encumbered by the filibuster rule and only briefly during those two years had 60 votes to override a GOP filibuster. In the House, where Nancy Pelosi was Speaker, the Blue Dog coalition stubbornly refused to go along with the agenda. Yet, even with those obstacles, President Obama still managed to get many things accomplished. See this link for some of them:

Now, President Obama is in his 4th quarter and we have failed him by our inaction in the 2014 midterm election. Our Congress is more dysfunctional than ever before in history. Will we learn our lesson? That's what I want all Liberals and Progressives to ask everyone they encounter. We have a chance to turn things around. We can work our butts off to get Democrats elected at every level of government. All elections matter. Our school boards, our county boards, our state governments all make decisions that effect the lives of all of us. Please get involved politically at any level and support candidates who believe as you believe.

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