Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day 2015

President Obama is taking Air Force One to South Florida today to give a speech on #ClimateChange in the Everglades and right wing media are having spasms over it! I suppose they expect him to ride a bicycle to the event! Isn't this just like the right wing? They claim they think #ClimateChange is a hoax, then they rave about the fuel the president is wasting to fly to Florida! Republicans say that our President's environmental policies are job killers. Well, I say they should look in the mirror and ask themselves how many jobs they've created outside of the military industrial complex!

By going to South Florida, the President will draw attention to the rising sea levels and the impact that will have on the coasts of our country. Florida's tourist economy is based on it's coastal areas and if they are impacted by #ClimateChange then there will be a great loss of jobs.

In every way possible, President Obama and his administration are giving Americans concrete examples of how #ClimateChange will effect us. Let's pay attention and support our President as he tries to unite us in our efforts to protect the environment and stop #GlobalWarming! See this link for more:


  1. We've had enough of blabbering GOP talking points on science being a hoax, or climate change not man made. How many miles of holes do we drill down into to inject poison chemicals for fracking ? When do we wake up to fact fossil fuels are destroying the earth ? It's all so so sad. We must spend much more on education and less on Pentagon. Soon !

  2. I'm in the enviro biz and see daily what his policies have done to business. It's destroying industries and families. There's been no increase in temps in nearly 2 decades and the environment is cyclical, always has been. We are actually in a period of cooling potentially even an ice age.
