Sabotage is a very strong term. It means deliberate action. People who sabotage others are traitors and bullies who want their own way. puts it into perspective with this definition:
"any underhanded interference with production, work, etc., in a plant,factory, etc., as by enemy agents during wartime or by employees during a trade dispute." I don't know about you, but, I'm thinking of the GOP in our Congress.
Colbert I. King in the Washington Post recently opined on the subject of insurrection against President Obama. He wondered if the GOP in Congress would back our president and the executive branch or side with Red States if they openly defied President Obama. I wonder too. We know they vowed to obstruct the actions of his administration from the first day of his first term. They vowed to make him a one term president. They have fought him tooth and nail on every initiative of his administration, even the ones they previously were supporting. So, if they don't fit the definition of saboteurs, I don't know who does.
King states, "the resistance out West to federal authority has been received in virtual silence on Capitol Hill. It’s almost as if the GOP Congress wanted an uprising against the president."
King goes on to compare President Obama to President Lincoln and warns that we who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
What do you say? I say, it is time to demand that our members of Congress start acting like they represent all of us and not just the Tea Party or the Corporations.
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