Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Democrats Support Veterans

If you have been paying attention, you will know that Democrats support Veterans. The Democratic Platform states:  "As the threats facing our country have evolved over the years, so too has our ability to respond to them. Our national security personnel are the most dynamic and well-trained in the world, and we must never forget the solemn duty that they fulfill for our nation. Democrats are committed to ensuring that our troops have the training, equipment, and support that they need when they are deployed and the care that they and their families need and deserve when they return home."

Meanwhile the GOP do this:   "U.S. Senate Republicans blocked legislation on Thursday that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans, saying the $24 billion bill would bust the budget."  http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/02/27/us-usa-veterans-congress-idUSBREA1Q26O20140227

There are many ways to Honor Veterans and many places to go to find information on how you can participate. But remember this:  Democrats actually do honor Veterans:  "Our commitment to America’s veterans is equal to the full measure of devotion that our veterans committed to us."  http://www.democrats.org/people/veterans_and_military_families 

It's not a bunch of showy Veteran's Day rhetoric. This is what Democrats have DONE:   http://assets.democrats.org/digital/website/CE_Veterans.pdf   Tell that to your GOP uncle.

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