If you were delusional enough to believe that the gridlock in Congress would be different if the Republicans were in charge, then I'm afraid you are in for a huge disappointment. Case in point=Daily Kos reports today that the Senate Republicans are set to block their OWN nominees! That's right. Senator Chuck Grassley, the Iowa farmer who will lead the Judiciary committee in January announced last week that he would delay any action on current judicial nominees AND he gave no particular reason.
Dan K. Thomasson of the Fresno Bee recently published a blog post entitled, "Senate Majority Changes; Dysfunction Remains the Same." In his opinion, even though leaders of both parties have pledged cooperation, there is little likelihood that will be the case. No one wants to be seen as doing the compromising. To the parties' base, compromise is seen as weakness. Thomasson suggests, like I do, that you write to your Senators and President. Maybe something will happen, but, don't hold your breath.
Then there's this: "Liberal Democrats Form A Hell No Caucus To Block Republicans In The Senate" http://www.politicususa.com/2014/11/19/liberal-democrats-form-hell-caucus-block-republicans-senate.html
The Senate rules that everyone wanted changed when Democrats were in the majority will protect us now that we will be in the minority. Democrats will have some measures at their disposal to affect what the Senate will debate and vote on next year. Again, I encourage you to contact your Senators and let them know your views are on the issues under consideration. Yesterday, Sen. Feinstein mentioned on the Senate floor during the debate on KXL that she'd received over 120,000 messages regarding the pipeline. Believe me, they do pay attention and keep tallies. So let them know. Go to Senate.gov and all the contact information is there.
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