November 14 is #PromiseDay at . The point of the initiative is to encourage people to promise to say something. At the message is: sign up and support efforts to educate bystanders to speak up when they might know that another person intends to use a gun to harm others. The website has several points that are useful to educate others about the importance of speaking up.
Here is a PDF file that explains it all:
In 4 out of 5 school shootings, the shooter told someone of their plans. Imagine is that someone had taken action. Could some of those tragedies been prevented?
Be a better bystander and share this post and the website with your friends and followers. That way we can all be part of the solution. How many lives could be saved? We can stop these senseless acts by being better bystanders -- knowing what to look for and saying something when we see a threat of violence. And more importantly, teaching young people to do the same.
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