Friday, November 7, 2014

The Lost Art of Compromise

If it weren't for the fact that our Founding Father's knew how to compromise, we would never have gotten our Constitution. What exactly is compromise? Does that mean nobody gets what they want? No,  it does not! Compromise requires both skill and tact. It means mutual agreement. Both sides need to find areas of common ground. Civil behavior is the first step in the process. We have to disagree without attacking the moral character of our opponent. We will never get anywhere when we demonize the other side. Does anyone seriously think their ideas will be accepted if they call their opponent names? If you go around telling lies about your opponent, how can you expect them to want to work with you?

Our political system has been stalled for quite some time. Both sides have struggled with compromise. Many politicians worry that appearing to compromise will cause their constituents to see them as weak and they will lose their reelection bids. It takes great courage to compromise in today's political climate.

Essential to serious compromise efforts is a sincere respect for the other side. Just like you can't shake hands with someone who presents a closed fist, a leader can't work out a compromise if the other side isn't willing to forget about personal effects and willing to do some give and take.  This hasn't been happening. I'm not sure if it will ever again. President Obama's offer for all congressional leaders to meet with him at the White House is a sincere effort on the administration's part to try to work out compromise solutions to our problems.

We can all do something right now to help this happen. Please contact the congressional leaders and let them know that you want them to work with our president.

Here are the current Senate leaders:

Here are the House leaders:

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