Saturday, November 29, 2014

Guardians of Privilege

Remember the Grand Old Party? (GOP) Well, they have morphed into Guardians of Privilege. They no longer represent the people who vote for them. They answer to the money people and do their bidding in Congress. 

Bill Moyers recently wrote about it in, "Dividing the Spoils".

This is a great read about money and politics. "Today, gifts to politicians that were once called graft or bribes are called contributions. The Supreme Court has granted corporations the rights our founders reserved for people, and told those corporations they can give just about anything they want to elect politicians favorable to their interests. "

They aren't giving this money out of the goodness of their hearts either! Consider this: "From 2007 to 2012, the two hundred most politically active corporations in the United States spent almost $6 billion for lobbying and campaign contributions. And they received more than $4 trillion in US government contracts and other forms of assistance."

As expected, military contractors lead the list of contract recipients with the finance sector not far behind. What can we do about this mess? First watch the video of Lawrence Lessing and Zephyr Teachout: Then get mad as hell and start contacting your representatives in Congress.

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