Tuesday, November 18, 2014

More on Criticism Surrounding the Trans Pacific Partnership

In researching the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), I came across an article in VOX that discusses some of the pros and cons regarding this agreement that is STILL being negotiated. I put that in all caps because some pundits make it seem that the TPP is a done deal, which it isn't.

To hear or read some criticism of TPP one would think it is written by the Devil himself. Some of the hyperbole used to describe it borders on the ridiculous. Especially, considering that negotiations are not even complete. That's sort of like hating anyone who dates your sister because there were two or three before who were jerks.

One of the commonest criticisms is that NAFTA or CAFTA (other trade agreements) hurt us; so, this must too. Since we don't know yet the details, that seems to me to be unfair. China and Australia just signed an historic trade deal. Trade deals are not by their very nature bad. American companies produce and consumers in the trans-pacific region want to purchase goods. Will we sit back and let China and Australia get all the sales?

Take a look at the VOX article. There is a ton of information in it with links to direct sources.

But please realize that this TPP deal, just like any other deal, has pluses and minuses. If and when negotiations are ever finalized, Congress will debate and decide. EVERYTHING will be made public. At the US Trade Representatives website http://www.ustr.gov/tpp are links to the summary of the United State's objectives, outlines of the TPP, a TPP blog, public comments on TPP, and much, much more.

Be a critical thinker and investigate for yourself. Don't just let the hype close your mind.

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